Enemy Engaged Series on WinX

Anyone tried using the Enemy Engaged helosims on Windows 10? I see them on GOG all the time, so I was curious if they worked.

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Usually the GOG Forums have scores of threads exactly about that. For true first-hand info I heartily suggest to check there…

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I was just taking a peek here @komemiute, so link if it’s useful for people:

It looks like it runs ok on Win10 from what I can see.

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Sorry, was in the middle of an Elite run… :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m not sure. SimHQ actually has a pretty nice EECH forum with some great information (and mods). I haven’t kept up…but they were doing great stuff with it the past few years (like a complex startup procedure for the Apache, improved avionics, better 3D models and skins, etc…). I’d kill to see EECH modded for VR support - I think it’d be a great title for that. If I had some extra time, I might try to buy VorpX and see if I could get it working with EECH…but that sounds like a project.

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I just bought it and it works for me :slight_smile: Once I installed directplay the game works fine. It supports the HOTAS and the trackIR. I bought the entire collection and, like back in the day, it looks like you can still link both games together and fly any of the helicopters in any of the missions that way.

If you can’t get a game to work on GOG within 30 days, you can get a refund, although they do require that you try to solve the problem with tech support first.