OpenXR Dev Tools for WMR

I like these settings too - works well. Just did a quick Hana, Maui (PHHN) around the island VFR - it’s a good looking sim.

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How can I download OpenXR WITHOUT Microsoft Store?

Any idea where to get the changelog of the new OpenXR versions? I would like to know what’s new.

Looks like a new release of OpenXR today for WMR if anyone is getting a crash in MSFS.


VR FlightSim Guy on youtube likes it a lot…

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I’m sure he will do, it’s out later today. :slight_smile:

I think he’s still talking about the .109 preview that was out last week, and this upcoming one today is to sort out some crashing in MSFS - so more a patch really (as I understand it anyway).

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Ah! I thought it was the same version.

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He really likes motion reprojection and locking the framerate in the Nvidia control panel to 30 fps doesn’t he? I just can’t get on with that, as I think I lose some clarity on the instruments. I spend a lot of time staring at tiny instruments (the CRJ MFDs break the Geneva Convention in VR I reckon) but I think if you VFR etc a lot then it might be better on? He does a render scale on the OpenXR side of 70%, and I just wack mine to 100%, so that’s probably the biggest difference. 100% scale and Motion Reprojection don’t get on I think.

Depends of what he ‘s flying. Reprojection on for scenic VFR flights and off for IFR, it seems.

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His avatar should be a golden retriever, bless his heart.


I could arrange that :dog:


Now, now. Hacking somebodys YT profile is generally frowned upon, @fearlessfrog:wink:

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That’s really a beautiful dog. A VR flight sim fan?

I tried VR FlightSim Guy’s settings last night, but they didn’t work for me. Given that he has a 3090 and a faster CPU, that wasn’t surprising. I wonder how he is “tuning” for 30 fps? Anyway, this is what gives me a good experience in the Superbug.

Use latest preview OpenXR runtime: On
Customised render scale: Off
Motion Reprojection: Always

VR preset including Render Scale at 80

My System: Ryzen 5 5600x / RTX 3080 FTW3 / Reverb G2
OpenXR runtime ver: 109.2111.23003


Anyone know why this happens?

Maybe an outdated version? This is the version that I’m showing with the latest runtime.

On the Developer Settings page, is “Use latest preview OpenXR runtime” checked? Maybe try toggling that on/off? What about launch the Store, uninstalling OpenXR Dev Tools, and then reinstalling?


Tried all that, but I still get the same error. Everything seems to work just fine though…

Not seen that before - you on Windows 11? Only thing I can think of is uninstall this, uninstall WMR and then put it back on. Not good though. :expressionless:

No, 10.

Yeah, I just reinstalled the OpenXR dev tool…

Could it be a conflict with the SteamVR OXR runtime?

I suppose so - did you set the SteamVR one as default? If so then don’t do that. :slight_smile:

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No, I haven’t… You get a warning in WMR Portal if it’s set to SteamVR, right?