How are you doing @UncleZam ?
I am feeling quite ok, thanks for asking. I was thinking of reporting back, but kinda forgot.
Our acute Covid experience was relatively mild, but it ensued with weeks of cough. Avoided doing any sports, but now slowly getting back to walks and some weights training.
Hopefully the rest of us with Covid have recovered too.
Good to hear…
Wife and I are recovering now. Back to work already. First time for both of us. Lots of coughing still, suspect that will be for a bit. Still a bit fatigued, but I’m really enjoying good sleeps at night now
I enjoy a good sleep at night whenever I can get it!
Me. Goshdarnit
First night was undescribable hell. Right now, just head and back ache
Get well soon mate…
Take some ibuprofin or at least aspirin, it helps with the sleeping.
I was out sick the entire week. Fever and headache is gone but still feeling kind of woozy, plus now I got piriformis syndrome from all the lying around in bed.
Anyways, speedy recovery @komemiute
I hope you feel better soon!
Everybody’s symptoms seem to be different, but I found a cold and flu remedy that contained pseudoephedrine (if that’s still available where you are) and a painkiller (paracetamol in this case) helped make me comfortable when I had it…
I wish you both a good recovery! Covid sucks in how it drags on and keeps you feeling even after the worst had passed.
Last time I was sick, I took a lot of paracetamol, mostly for sleeping. After a week I quit taking it, but still had headaches. Not sure if that was because the sickness lasts long or because I had withdrawal from quitting paracetamol…
Best sleep med I ever had was codeine. I woke up so blissfully calm after a 15h sleep… maybe a bit high. Glad I only got that once as I don’t want to get used to that kind of stuff.
Go easy on the paracetamol, definitely don’t exceed the dosage instructions. It can seriously eff with your liver…
Took ibuprofen and today I could almost function as a human being.
Still feel like I’ve been hammered
Thank you all for the kind words… I hadn’t felt this bad in such a long time.
Yeah, just vacuuming the apartment felt like a huge accomplishment. I’m not keen on going to work next week.
Thanks man…
Today (Sunday 10th) I feel almost normal- except scratchy throat and a bit light headed… but then again I didn’t really eat anything meaningful in 20 hours or so.
Today I plan to try and eat a logical but significan amount of food.
Ibuprofen kept pain at bay with no meaningful impact on my digestive tract.
COVID must be trending as I tested positive today.
Like a weird cold with aches all over body. Tried to ignore it and go running Sat - didn’t help - don’t feel as bad as you guys though.
5 days of staying at home according to current gov advise.
Damn, here’s wishing you a speedy recovery.
One good thing about being retired and living where I do… It is easy to ‘isolate’
Hope you feel better soon!