Viggen ground attack

Aim, arm, fire − Ride along in a Viggen strike fighter on a ground attack mission - YouTube

Interesting short film, curious why it was created.


That was awesome! Thanks for sharing.

I had no idea a Viggen could go that high! :joy:

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Yes, very cool. Thank you.

I don’t know why someone made that video, but it switches between tail no. 01 to -4 when firing the rockets. -4 was the fourth Viggen prototype and I’m guessing that firing sequence was from weapons release testing by SAAB. The other scenes may have been from some promotional or instruction video, perhaps.

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They forgot the approach turn stalls

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The pilot probably forgot the command for reducing thrust…

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The Viggen has that? I thought the throttle was either on or off :wink:


Like any SAAB, it has Drive, Neutral and Reverse :wink: