When was the last time…

You bought a music CD?

You bought a newspaper?

You bought a movie or tv series DVD/BlueRay disc?

You bought a PC game on CD/DVD?

Just curious to see the responses from the MS community!

Here are my responses:

Last music CD was was in 2021. It was Journey’s Greatast Hits.

Last movie on disc I bought was in 2021. It was “Waterloo”

It’s been well over 10 years since I’ve bought a newspaper.

Last game I bought on disc was First Eagles Iron Cross Edition in 2009.


You bought a music CD?
Last summer, Nick Cave’s Wil God.

You bought a newspaper?
Every day, with once a week an actual paper one.

You bought a movie or tv series DVD/BlueRay disc?
Never did that. I used to hoist the black flag and sail the ef tee pee…

You bought a PC game on CD/DVD?
Phooeee, long time ago. Stalker maybe, or lworld in conflict.


You bought a music CD? 2007ish. Def Leppard “Vault”

You bought a newspaper? I don’t think I ever have

You bought a movie or tv series DVD/BlueRay disc? Christmas 2023- Iron Eagle

You bought a PC game on CD/DVD? 2008ish. Rainbow 6 Vegas 2


I subscribed to several physical papers as a teen, but now my subscriptions are all digital. (Thinking of dropping the Washington Post over their cowardice)

Last movie I actually physically purchased was STTMP, but I have (barely used) subscriptions on a few movie sites…

I buy Pc Games on a regular basis, though subscription services like Game Pass cut that down a bit. I buy from Steam regularly.


You bought a music CD?
3 of them last year. I accidentally left them in a car that I traded in and wanted to replace them - Dark side of the Moon, Black Eyed Peas Elephunk and Green Day American Idiot.

You bought a newspaper?
Bought, ages ago. But we make sure we grab a copy of the free local paper every time we are in town, so yesterday.

You bought a movie or tv series DVD/BlueRay disc?
About two years ago. Battlestar Galactica complete (the new series).

You bought a PC game on CD/DVD?
Can’t remember when, it was that long ago. But I do know that it was Knights of the Old Republic 2.


Still get the Saturday and Sunday editions in paper. Way better. As far as the other stuff goes, no idea. Decade or decades.


You bought a music CD?
Cannot remember…Before 2010 for me but maybe within last 5 years as a gift.

You bought a newspaper?
Don’t think I ever have.

You bought a movie or tv series DVD/BlueRay disc?
Game Of Thrones box set 2023 - was cheap.

You bought a PC game on CD/DVD?
2011 - DCS A-10C.


I read a weekly newspaper in print because I can better enjoy the layout and I find smartphones distracting to the act of consciously reading. As for the others, I sometimes buy physical media of musicians I know that invite me to concerts, can’t remember when I last did that.

I think the last DVDs I bought was a box of Magnum PI because it was cheaper than streaming, must have been at least 5 years ago.


You bought a music CD?
2013 - Atmosphere by Kaskade

You bought a newspaper?
That’s the stuff fast food used to come wrapped in right? Serious answer: not in over 15 years.

You bought a movie or tv series DVD/BlueRay disc?
This year, a month ago actually - The Gods Must Be Crazy!

You bought a PC game on CD/DVD?
Since I became comfortable with Steam (around 2012 again) it’s only been old games - probably a copy of Enemy Engaged, Mechwarrior 3, Gunship! or perhaps my second copy of Falcon 4 (it had the binder and everything, I couldn’t walk away! :wink:)

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Bought music CDs this year; friends have bands, and we still have a CD player on the stereo, and I’ve always preferred to physically own my media. Plus it’s helping small local artists more directly than streaming platforms do.

DVD/Blu-rays also this year; the remastered collection of Babylon 5, along with The Road Home. I’m glad I did, since even though Amazon recently got B5 on streaming, it’s now behind another paywall. And I’m going to be forcing Karen to watch the whole series after she told me how much she enjoyed Ron Moore’s BSG series.

It’s been years since I bought a newspaper, though we had a subscription to the physical version of The Atlantic until last year, and when I’ve visited my parents I’ve read their physical copies of the Charlotte Observer on Sundays. Oh, and I definitely borrowed my aunt’s Washington Posts when visiting last year (she cancelled her subscription before I was in with earlier this month).

My new computer build doesn’t even have a DVD/Blu-ray drive, because I barely used the one on my last build- especially after something associated with a copy protection software bricked it. One less thing to break, I think. And I’m finding old games I want to revisit online anyway.

We’re definitely going to be buying more physical media going forward though. Especially as shows and movies are starting to disappear online at a faster rate.


Music CD: This year, the full Beatles Box set.

Newspaper: Ten years ago. I read those digitally now.

Movie/TV series: This year, DS9 and Voyager Box sets.

PC game on CD/DVD: five years ago, but it was a 30 year old, used game (ST: A Final Unity).


The classic medium not mentioned was vinyl. A couple of years ago my daughter wanted a record player. Those, and early 2000s digital cameras are a thing with her generation. I bought her a nice one with decent speakers. She bought some expensive Taylor Swift albums. And I bought Miles’ Kind Of Blue. That opening bass still sends a chill.


Fun fact: Vinyl record sales outnumbered CD sales in 2023, that had not happened since 1987.


If the kids were a bit older I’d definitely have a turntable.


We have a ‘ton’ of vinyl, but nothing to play it on.

Does anyone make a decent turntable these days? Twenty years ago it was all rubbish and you were better off trying to find something old with a handwound capsule (ideally from someone who didn’t know what they were selling, so it didn’t cost an arm and a leg)…

I don’t have any playable vinyl any more, just idly interested…

This is what my daughter has. I love it!


I used to Love going into Best Buy and Compuserve and browsing in ThePC games section…I could kill at least a hr while my Wife shopped for grocery’s :laughing:


I read a proper weekly newspaper (Die Zeit) and even that is a little too much reading for an entire week. I also have a subscription to Max Planck Forschung which is a free, quarterly science magazine covering pretty much everything that is happening in the scientific community. Highly recommended for any Germans who are interested in science and want to keep up with new developments.

The last CD I bought was probably over 10 years ago, can’t even remember what it was except that it was probably some metal or alternative rock album. I have however bought the vinyl and t-shirt edition of the Heatblur F-4E Phantom II

Last PC Game on DVD: World in Conflict, I’ve had to personally sign off on the delivery because it’s an 18+ game in Germany.

Movie/TV Series: All the Fawlty Towers Series. I bought that as a UK import some years ago.


I’ve had one of these for a couple of years and really like it

Also heard u-turn (as smokin mentioned above) was pretty good.