I’m game. Which version, standard or experimental?
I might be able to host something on 2025-02-02T19:00:00Z but I can’t say for sure yet. It’ll be on the experimental branch. I will confirm on Saturday at the latest whether I can arrange something.
@tempusmurphy and I have been brainstorming mission ideas, there’s definitely some fun to be had
I would be up for a reforger session then
update on the experimental Changelog
Added: PKMN machine gun added for Soviet side
Added: Proper zeroing for UK-59 4x8 scope
Added: Randomized version of Cargo Šárka 1203
Added: Ruins for Cow Shed building
Changed: Added sitting up and down to the LAV-25 passengers and smoothed the animation when teleporting in
Changed: Sitting down and sitting up animation added to the helicopters
Tweaked: Commander optic vignette and rotation speeds, front, and rear sight moved away to reduce float point errors
Tweaked: BRDM-2 now has a Remove casualty action
Tweaked: Destruction of Concrete Plant
Tweaked: BRDM-2 lights
Tweaked: Reload time for mounted UK-59
Tweaked: Added sound events for various animations on the BTR-70, LAV-25, and BRDM-2
Tweaked: New icons should be used for randomized soldiers
Fixed: Pub Village building was missing correct ruins
Fixed: AK magazine was clipping during some animations
Fixed: BTR could phase through the gate without destroying it
Fixed: Gunner in the Mi-8 was using the incorrect animation and now is no longer clipping through the helicopter
Fixed: Clipping of characters through the LAV-25 and BRDM-2 when dead or unconscious
Fixed: Clipping of the dead BRDM-2 driver
Fixed: Decommission was not available for certain civilian vehicles when spawning it with a randomized version
Fixed: Destruction of Fuel Station building
Fixed: Helicopter gunships were able to hit themselves with rockets
Fixed: Interior lights of UAZ-452 were shining through to the outside and through the medic
Fixed: Repair action on BRDM-2’s searchlight
Fixed: Player could get stuck in the animation when mortar is fired in rapid succession
Fixed: LAV-25 unconscious animations clipping
Fixed: Offset in impact position of mortar effect modules
Added: CLI param -logTime to switch format of time in logs (T182667)
Changed: Disabled the setting tab for the Deploy faction menu and respawn menu
Changed: Disabled the settings from the pause menu if the player is in the deployment screen
Changed: Updated localization
Tweaked: Armor hitzones of physical body armor so more resiliencedamage is passed to the wearer
Tweaked: Get in animation tweak for the gunners
Tweaked: Melee damage application on buildings
Fixed: Camera was locking when interacting with doors from the inside
Fixed: Inability to spawn armed helicopters on helipad
Fixed: Build mode blur would not start if switching from Arma Vision to build mode
Fixed: Some user actions were available beyond character reach
Fixed: Wrong holster animation when switching to first weapon from grenade while having second weapon on sling
Fixed: Falling unconscious character wouldn’t change its stance to prone
Fixed: Trying to open the map while swimming queued the action to be triggered
Fixed: Inventory actions were not properly unregistered from weapon/magazine
Fixed: Previews in inventory were linked to render scale
Fixed: Tourniquet applied from the through the inventory wouldn’t be applied
Fixed: Turret 1st person camera on helicopter was not working as expected
Fixed: Wrong warhead used by HEDP Hydra rocket
Fixed: Character was frozen stuck on the turret when another character tried to open the doors of the vehicle
Fixed: Wrong number of charge rings for USSR smoke shell in ballistic table gadget
Fixed: Proxy characters sometimes didn’t have gravity enabled after leaving vehicle
Fixed: Background for input hints in field manual - for improved readability of white elements
Playable Content
Changed: Preview picture of SP Elimination scenario
Tweaked: Fast travel point in weapon cache Bohdan to prevent clipping with rock
Tweaked: Increased max player count from 5 to 8 for Combat Ops Everon
Fixed: GM was locked while in Pre-Game even if the user had the permissions
Fixed: Misaligned controller GM hint
Fixed: Options to temporarily ban didn’t work
Fixed: Players with permissions could access GM while in the debriefing menu
Fixed: Rank and supply budgets were active in GM
Fixed: You could use the hotkey to open GM while in the endscreen
Stability & Performance
Tweaked: Performance of VicinityComponent on server
Fixed: Crash when calling BallisticTable::GetAimHeightOfNextProjectile on missiles with very small positive distance
Fixed: Crash when inspecting UGL after firing it
Fixed: Crash when ReplicatedCamerasSystem is not present
Fixed: Crash when turning on a radio broadcast while RadioBroadcastManager has no tracks
Fixed: Performance issues when controlling a compartment overriding another one on a vehicle with complex entity hierarchy
Fixed: Crash on pathfinding by using NavLinkIDs instead of instances
Fixed: Crash on virtual road connections
Fixed: Crash in WeaponSoundComponent if the weapon owner entity disappeared before the weapon activation task was executed
Added: “LooseLayer” variations for rubble footsteps
Added: 25mm bullet flybys
Tweaked: “Physical” weapon drop sounds were missing surface layers
Changed: Timeout during addon upload will now retry instead of completely failing the process of upload (T182526 + T188248)
Fixed: 2FA dialog when linking Bohemia Account was not working (T184291)
Server Hosting
- Fixed: Linux server was not able to download or update addons (T187259)
I should possibly be able to join as well. I’m at a military show on Sunday but should be back in time
Sooo, rain check? Or is something happening today?
Derby said it would be starting an hour from now? I’m not sure what’s going on.
I can fire it up, even right now if one of you want’s to build a mission. If you are alone on the server you can vote yourself as game master and start building something. I probably won’t be able to join right away at 20:00, I might even run about 45-60min late.
Edit: Server is up on the experimental branch
Touch busy atm will try my best once kids are in bed
Can’t connect, says I have a ping >900ms. I think there’s something weird going on with their network, because I get high pings to all the other servers as well.
I can’t check right now as I am away from the PC atm. If it doesn’t work out tonight I will make something work next weekend. Either Friday evening UTC or Sunday evening UTC
I quickly checked on the regular branch and it seems to work there. Maybe they rolled out a bad update, or it’s something on my end.
Edit: There seems to be a problem with Bohemia’s services. I’ll check by later if it’s resolved, right now it’s not working for me.
just checked there seems to be some problems on the servers at the moment…as @sobek said possible bad update
I’ll be back in about 15-20min. I’d say we postpone to next week. I can do either Friday evening or Sunday evening around 19:00 UTC
Whatever works best for you guys.
I think there was DDOS attacks this week, maybe this is a remnant of that.
I would say defer to next week. I can’t make Fridays though.
dont know if its just me … but cant even get to the bohemia forums
Same here. DDOS is still going strong, apparently originating from a Russian group that’s attempting to extort Bohemia for ~$81,000USD and demanding they stop ‘recreating the RU/UKR conflict’. Or some such.
Reforger and Arma 3 official servers have both been affected on and off throughout the last week.
my reforger (experimental) has just had a steam update … with no patch notes or news
It’s either a fix for the attacks, or an unauthorized patch planting ransomware on thousands of computers.
thank you for those calming words