Attack helicopter employment in the COIN fight

Makes sense. Wargaming conventional wars is more fun. That’s why we leave out NBC for the most part, they take all the fun out of it even in video games. And we prefer black and white, clear cut battlespaces with defined, identifiable sides.

It’s not near as much fun to fight an enemy who may be daylighting as the chief of police while nightlighting as the leader of an insurgent cell, and that’s true in video games as well.
We players tend to cry foul when the rules of the game aren’t clearly defined for us.

ETA: I’ve often wondered in the last 15 years if the (a) military is too large, clumsy and culturally inert an organization to fight a COIN operation with a high chances of success. There’s not too many successes I can point to off the top of my head. Northern Ireland? South Africa? Philippines? (Ongoing)

-Oh look, we’re already drifting! :joy::man_facepalming:

:dizzy: Mod Edit: Time stream shenanigans. You would think that this conversation continues in the next post, but it actually continues here: link