Best alternative to Youtube?

Yep, Sponsorblock saves me so much time, it’s incredible.

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Just last week, I too was wondering about YouTube alternatives. There is so much excellent content on YouTube. It’s a shame that content is very often buried under mountains of “other stuff” shaped to cash in on monetization.

I am to the point of really not even caring about seeing 30 seconds of commercials on YouTube anymore. It’s the wading through waste deep uesr-made click bait content, that’s my problem.

At a minimum, I wish there was some way to completely block “Shorts”.

But this topic brings me back around to having similar thoughts years ago when wanting to find a good news aggregator for RSS feeds. I tried a few (I think I used Feedly the longest, a few years). But then RSS feeds started getting scarce as social media monetization picked up.

I never really got a good solution to that, either.


I guess that I have some sort of Premium YT sub, because I never see adds, except the advertising endorsements that are often part of video. Regardless, I still feel that this is a tempest in a teapot.

The last few days I’ve been catching up on Randall Smith’s series on the founding of Mesa/Boogie (guitar amps), which are hugely entertaining, a documentary on the 1983 Beirut Marine barracks bombing, the Telegraph’s Ukraine the Latest series, the excellent Greg’s Airplanes and Automobiles channel as he gets deeper into DCS, and learning the fundamentals of volleyball so that I can better understand the game when I attend tournament weekends that my daughter is playing in.

Sure, I apply a keen filter, but isn’t that the eventual way with all successful media?

Edit: I agree with you on Shorts @adlabs6. If I wanted to watch TicToc or Igram, I’d go there.

I also watched the Rick Beato interviews with Rick Wakeman and David Gilmour last week. Outstanding!


Blocking yt shorts on network level would be best, to stop my son from doomscrolling. Haven‘t found an easy solution, yet.

I forgot to mention that I also paid for YouTube until last month or so. It’s a nice convenience. And if one doesn’t already hire a music streaming service, there’s a double bonus with the wealth of music available on YouTube.


I like Newpipe- but I cannot find a way to import in it my youtube playlists…

I found an old tutorial but the interface is completely different and it doesn’t quite work like that