JEEZ I’ve been thinking about you all morning when I saw that news pop up last night, I got so worried! I’m really glad you’re ok, bud! I can start breathing again…
I was panicked as well until I saw the plane’s make and origin. I thought about texting you but figured everybody else was doing the exact same thing.
I’m glad you’re ok, and you’ve definitely been in all our thoughts.
But holy crap, talk about a terrible tragedy. It’s really heartbreaking.
Just listened to the brief by the NTSB. The CRJ got a TCAS TA (Traffic Advisory “Traffic, traffic” and the pitch started to increase just before the impact.
They were on approach to RWY 01 and was asked to circle visually to RWY 33 and the NTSB investigator said that ATC cleared an aircraft for takeoff on 01 while the CRJ was below 1000ft in the circling pattern for 33, which crosses 01…