DCS 2.7 VR Discussion, optimization

Oh My!!! I am so flying bomber escort tonight.


Did it?
I find that if I pan the view slowly, the clouds stop jumping.

Nah. Think you’re correct, or perhaps it’s doing it all the time we just don’t notice when we are moving [our head/eyes].

I thought about that, but I don’t think so. If I look at distant clouds, they jump up and down. But if I fix my eyes on them and slowly turn my head, the clouds stop.
But yeah, because of the fact that the clouds sit still when I move my head, the jumping motion isn’t as noticable during normal flight, because I move my head almost all the time…

I don’t see any difference with the cloud settings in VR . 9700K , 6800XT , no overclocking .

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Ok. What kind of VR headset do you have?

Sorry , RiftS . Praying for HTC to launch something good come May so i don’t play Faust come the end of the year .

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Full screen desktop VR mirror (pre 2.7)

I meant to add this a few weeks back.

2.7 changed the desktop mirror from “full screen” to the cropped eye (I believe in an attempt to reduce GPU usage/increase fps). For those that take screenshots and/or videos, and want to capture “full screen/eye”, here’s how. Go to:

DCS World/Bazar/shaders/HMDMask.fx

Open it with a text editor like Notepad
Go to line 62

float4 vsOctagonMask(in float2 pos:POSITION0): SV_POSITION0
return float4(pos, 1, 1);

Change it to:

float4 vsOctagonMask(in float2 pos:POSITION0): SV_POSITION0


return float4(pos, 0.5, 0.5);


Save and all done.

Alternatively, if you use JSGME, I created a simple mod that you can swap back and forth:
Drop the folder in /Eagle Dynamics/DCS World/Mods and enable it with JSGME.

I have not noticed any fps hit going back to the “old” way, but as always your mileage will vary. IC pass as well if you fly online.


Nice one thanks

FYI, in order for me to get this to work with my Reverb G2, I had to set this lines values to 0:

return float4(pos, 0, 0).

With it set to 0.5, there was still a small mask visible.

Edit: this mask thingy seems to be module specific, at least in my small sample survey. Deeper thinkers please correct me. What I’m finding is that what works well for the Sabre, shows a little mask in the Hornet. Still tinkering. Regardless, mask or not, I’m still unable to capture SteamVR video with OBS. Perhaps one of you have discovered the secret sauce, but it’s almost as if Steam is treating the output as digitally rights protected.

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What’s the popular Nvidia driver version everyone is using these days to get the most out of VR in DCS (and any other VR title)?

I’m on 466.77. I’ve read 466.11 is ideal. What’s the latest and greatest?