Frist: I’m DONE WITH THIS - adding ‘features’ that is. Specifically new ‘mission types’ (taskings). Tis time to start testing/tweaking it hard…
PS, at the top: All this works without killing your PC. It’s been a struggle. The entire map can have ‘stuff’ (vehicles - things you place in the ME). It does choke a bit within the first minute but no way around that.
There are vehicle and aircraft moving about outside the AO (Area of Operations - where the war is). Now, somebody still has to put those things in there so it’s not like you see this now, but the code can handle it. AAA/Flak still causes slow-downs, so I have to limit it (boo). That’s DCS issue, IMHO.
“Had a B-1 going screaming by me on the last test - and I was surprised by it [being there]. IOW, It happened ‘organically’ Sorta. The point being I don’t want to know about everything that can happen. Too ‘scripted’ for me.”
It’s actually kinda easy to add things but the mech. to do that isn’t going to be released for a while - you use the mission editor to ‘drop’ things on the map, save it, then run DCSGrok (the desktop application that chews on all this stuff and spits out the mission.
PSS: You don’t have to do anything except: Aviate, Navigate, and Communicate. Minus the 4-5 buttons clicks to start. Oh, and read the briefing. And pick some weapons.
I’ve been quiet because there were a few ‘taskings’ I wanted in there and it’s taken some time to do so. I’m not adding anything else: time to start testing.
There are so many things but, the high-level view:
CAP (different kinds) but mostly the OVERWATCH kind right now (overwatch is a version of CAP - you are orbiting and waiting for stuff to happen)
- Beyond the standard kinds you may be tasked to provide OVERWATCH for a damaged/disabled vessel. What happens all depends on the campaign (who’s involved, where it is, what the overall situation is, etc). Or a ground group to assault a target. Etc. The system is smart enough not to, say, have you do overwatch on a vessel if you are flying the Apache. Or send you on a long range strike in the Hog. The details would take to long to explain.
CAS (Close Air support)
- Lots here. This one has taken a long time. Had to write my own, simplified, JTAC code too (you may still get the built-in DCS JTAC sometimes). These include escorting a group of Good Guys; escorting Choppers or some variation of that; doin the Show Of Force thing for good guys at firebases; and…
“NAMED Operations”. Think “Operation Anaconda”. These will take place over some number of days (weeks?) where the goal is for the Good Guys to enter and take over territory (clean out a specific area of Bad Guys). This has BUFF’s going in and putting the hurt on them, followed by you and other CAS-types (from multi-role jets to the Apache, if you have those modules).
A Troops In Contact (TIC) can come up at ANYTIME - I can’t really predict it, by design. Might never happen [on a given mission] or it may happen every mission. Just depends. Taskings have a priority value: if what you are doing is of a lesser priority then the ABCCC will task you for the TIC, else they don’t bother you.
Pop Up Tasking:
- An IED has been discovered, go blow it up (inside a truck/car, etc)
- A “Bad Guy” needs to be taken out - Spec-Ops dudes found him. Thinks OIF when they had [a lot] of reports that “You Know Who” is in this building RIGHT NOW - so hit that building (historically this never worked however).
- Go look for [insert thing here] - ARMED RECON. This may be to a specific location (Intel knows where it is, exactly) or they think it may be ‘around here’, somewhere. You’ll get a grid and a “Kill Box” to go hunting. Think “SCUD Hunting” from Desert Storm.
Direct Strikes
- Just depends, there are variations. From those that HQ feels are necessary at the given time to; ‘Named Target’ strikes (with some variation). You may be tasked to hit these ond Day 1 - before the shooting really starts; think Afghanistan when they sent in Tomcats - from LONG range - to prep things.
Your start base can/will change over time, ie; if on a CV (you selected a Navy Hornet or Tomcat) they will move around as the campaign progresses (yes, this took some time to figure out how to keep all the ‘linked’ units attached to the CV). If you select the Apache your FOB may change - if I didn’t do this then the ‘war’ would leave you behind, stuck 100 miles from the FLOT.
There’s a lot. All on top of the COMM’s system. And this is “put your big boy pants on” stuff - no cheats, ie; not for everyone. I myself can only do one every few days (when I take a break from coding it all) because the mission types are taken from a LOT of research and often over long distances (though not always).
If you fly MSFT FS, in ‘tube-liners’ and like the long (or semi-long) haul flights you’ll like this. And you get to blow things up. It is 'Mission Oriented", if you will. Nothing at all like “Instant Action” (there’s already a button for that).
You can edit the generated mission but it is semi-indecipherable if you open it up and ‘peek’. Just Open Mission and click Fly (you can do minor route editing in the ME during the DCS (such as it is) briefing mech.
The semi-dyamic parts kinda work but is limited until ED cooperates. Your AI wingman is semi-useful. Barely. Varying weather (based on the map) - no winds yet: I thought it would hose up my departure timing, because there were things I didn’t know about but in the end the AI (specifically ATC at bases) is so lacking it’s no more disorganized with wind than without. I just haven’t turned it on yet.
Thanks for playing,