Do you ever switch mouse hands?

I’m going to guess your nose, family friendly forum and all that…


Here’s the one I got. I can highly recommend.


No. I tried a couple of times and it was going to be too big a pain in the rear to learn how.


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That is not where you should stick your mouse Wheels :roll_eyes:


When I broke my right wrist years ago, I learned to use a mouse left handed with the buttons reversed (ie index finger for the main clicking). I never had to go back to it after my wrist healed, so not sure if I could these days or not.


Ooh nice, just checked the CCD for the PC24, it’s a bit different then what I am used too. on the 777 we use a small trackpad where the 4 corners are also quick select zones so that you can jump to the edges of the pages that you have selected.

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I’ll be some of you don’t even remember this arcade game and the trackball it had…


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I am afraid I don’t :sweat_smile:

As a CH Products (now APEM) Hardware/Software Beta Tester, the Trackball I use is a DT225. It may not be as flashy as some, but it gets the job done and is equally capable in both the left, and right hand.

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Great to see you again @531Ghost - still in the Norfolk/Little River area?

Hey Beach! Been a while. Yep, still working at NAS Norfolk and live in Elizabeth City NC. Been putting in a few hours in a CAP 182T as a Mission Scanner/Mission Observer. But, to illustrate the location of my DT225…


Ah…Elizabeth City. Early in my career at MedCenter Air I made the mistake of dropping into ECG after a long, high altitude flight from Louisiana I think it was. We got cold soaked up at altitude, and I forgot to put the defog and windshield heat switches on during the descent. We hit the ground there in ECG and the humidity made the windscreen go from clear to zero vis in about 10 seconds… LOL. We were creeping along the taxiway in the night (tower was closed) trying to find the right ramp that the ambulance was parked on…could barely see. It was nerve wracking. That was the last time I dropped into a coastal airport without the windshield anti-fog stuff on…haha…

How is that commute to Norfolk from Elizabeth City? I would love to live out there on Albemarle Sound…but my job keeps me firmly in the Charlotte area.

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The commute, no more than an hour. Great place to live. Away from the hustle/bustle of VA Beach/Norfolk. You know Beach, we do have a CAP squadron in the Charlotte area :wink:

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Unless they have a soccer team…I can’t sign up for jack right now. :rofl: I have two kids on travel soccer teams now…I’m amazed at how much of a time sink that is. We are doing it because the love it (and we enjoy watching them play)…but man, I’m missing our camping and hiking trips.


Understood. You know when they turn 12, we can put them at the controls of a Cessna 172/182, Glider. My current Cadet Commander (17yo) just got his Pilot Cert on Sunday. All paid for by CAP!

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Funny you mention that- my younger brother was in that unit for a few years in middle/ high school (I was doing scouting during that time instead).

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I was left handed as a child, but my teachers pushed me to write right handed. These days I do most tasks left handed or ambidextrously.

I fly DCS and MSFS with the mouse centered between my throttle and stick, and typically work the clickable buttons as well as POV using whichever hand I can free up at that moment. I don’t really have any issue moving from one to the other.

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I write, mouse and fly righthanded, but when using tools such as screwdrivers, drills, hammers, saws etc, I am pretty much ambidextrous. Which is a real boon when working difficult to reach spots.

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Thanks to this thread I have mouse again in my left hand :slight_smile:

I should definitely buy some wrist pad as I use pocket notebook under my wrist for now… :ok_hand:
