Yes it’s the new cloud/weather system that is working its magic since the 4.34 update… Did a couple of gbu54 trials against sa3 and sa6 in the Sinai at dusk yesterday, so pretty.
For me it was the wingman interactions and the fact that they actually did what they were supposed to do. IIRC, if your mission was counter-air–attacking an airbase–you could set up a different target for each jet in a flight of 4…1 & 2 hit the runway, 3 hits the CT, 4 hits a hangar…and they would actually hit those targets rather than wander off. I remember one flight where I was hit a runway at a Serbian airbase. As I pulled off and climbed back out, I Iooked down and saw Dash-2 finishing his run on the runway…it was so cool!
Even in MP, there is a place–dare I saw a requirement–for AI aircraft. What you can do with a couple of comms commands in Falcon BMS, takes scripting in DCS. sigh
Why more sims could or would not do that is a mystery to me. It would have taken their immersion factor to whole new levels.
So no campaign for the Harrier, only MP ?
Campaigns in Falcon are cross platform. I never fly the av8 but I know for sure loriks balkans campaign features a squadron, and there are probably others too. It’s not entirely obvious in the ui but if you start a campaign you can join any squadron at any friendly airbase by clicking on the map. After campaign start you can still switch as well by finding a squadron in the order of battle or the air tasking order and join it. Alternatively you could modify any campaign (save) and add a squadron to your leisure with the mission commander tool.
Right. In Falcon, the party is for everyone. I don’t think any Harrier squadrons are in the KTO campaigns but I do know that they are deployed in at least one of the Balkans campaigns. The Hornet is only available if a carrier task force is involved. Multiplayer as well. There are several squadrons that fly exclusively the AV8B and B+ (radar) even though these planes are nowhere near the quality of the viper.
I think that was only in Falcon 4: Allied Force. Pretty sure BMS lost that functionality (sadly).
load up a mission
better than fishin
a bridge in the north the target tonight
it’s a three spanner
the mission planner
says it’s so easy
now go get in the fight
shot down again in falcon BMS
searchin for the right button to press
some people claim that there’s a manpad to blame
but I know it’s my keyboard’s fault
makin a low pass
grippin my hotas
a column of trucks goes sliding below
what did my wing say
a missile on it’s way
the dark of the night lit by my firey glow
shot down again in falcon BMS
searchin for the right button to press
some people claim that there’s a manpad to blame
but I know it’s my joystick’s fault
released all my paveways
watching the runways
tracers and smoke trails cover the sky
makin my third pass
shoulda just hauled ass
my virtual falcon now inverted on fire
shot down again in falcon BMS
searchin for the right button to press
some people claim that there’s a manpad to blame
but I know it’s my wingman’s fault
Post of the month! Jimmy Buffet would be proud.
What song is that to be sung over?
The chorus is a pretty good hint, but it’s Margaritaville, by Jimmy Buffet.
Thx for the insight guys.
Maybe I will give it a whirl. The fact that the Harrier is not that realistic as Viper gives me some encouragement
I don’t deny it, it just never heard it.
I promise you, you’ve heard it. His lyrics match perfectly. o7
Hehehehe going to listen to it now.
Just wish it had VR. I know, may sound silly, but I can’t go back to a ‘pancake’. It ain’t the graphics necessarily ;I’m on an Odyssey+ after all (graphics are sub-par relative to 2D). It’s just, dare I say it, the immersion.
If it had VR I’d probably drop DCS like a bat-sheet crazy girlfriend…maybe. BMS is a superior environment IMO. And I could live with only flying the Viper. I do kinda miss it.
That’s me as well, though I must admit I really love DCS these days. Love cold starting things, and the way DCS does flight modelling.
I miss the messy audio, wall of MiGs and the sweet sweet holes you could punch in that by sneaking in a planeload of durandals.
That WAS me. But curiosity about the recent BMS improvements overwhelmed my resistance due to lack of VR. I was surprised how easily I adapted to trackir and the old way of seeing things. There are real benefits to 2D that make coming back, at least for games you love, easier than you might imagine. Its crisp and smooth and allows for easy note-taking.
I love flying in VR when I’m comfortable enough in the plane that I dont need to think where switches are or the positions. But when I’m learning a cockpit or trying to nail a procedure, the smoothness and clarity of 2d is impossible to beat. I am a fan of Track ir as well and use it all the time for flying on my laptop but I’m just so used to to mouse view that it’s much easier for me to do.
However, flying in formation, dogfighting, A2A fuelling and fast low level technical flying cannot be beaten in VR. But in my experience there is definitely a place for 2D for me. I use a 60 inch 4k tv and its just fabulous for seeing detail.
I also use both vr and 2d depending on the contest.
I also think that bms is still ahed in respect to dcs in some aspects the obvious is dynamic campaign which offer a real time war going on.
But there are many others…atc, ai behavior (both friendly and enemy), greater range theatres and also many ai aircraft (modern and old) that are not present in dcs.
I am sure there are others benefits.
Unfortunately (for now) still no VR. Someone managed to use vorpx (i read also beach experiments but he had success only with older bms version) also with 4.34 but i never had any success (vorpx + oculus rift s). But I didn’t have any success also with other games (il2 1946, il2 clod) when others yes. So it is probably me doing something wrong.
Only with virtual desktop i got some results but it is a 2d screen ahed of you.