Heatblur Dev update

I’m in trouble. LOVE it!



Great update.

It’s really surprising that HB is implementing the Burble. Would have expected this is something that needs to be implemented in DCS World, not for one specific module…

It just keeps on getting better and better :a6:

What other upcoming module could benefit from a better AI? :thinking: :ghost:

I AM actually trying to not get excited too much about all these news…

I am also failing miserably…


Yeah… My thoughts as well. Something like the wake turbulence of aircraft, that can be turned on or off.

Maybe soon. Heatblur were also the first to implement wake from missiles and other aircraft. A while later, all other aircraft had it.


Not only burble but the hook physics as well (for attached towed mass on a plane). Can you imagine Heatblur adding that to an S3 tanker basket before ED? I can. :slight_smile:


Yea Heatblur…I’m gonna be needing that Crash Barricade Pronto!!! I’m going through Arrestor Hooks like Tall Grass through a Lawnmower :rofl: :sweat_smile: :rofl:


Holy cow the Tomcat is hard to land now! My first landing attempt with the burble resulted in my first ramp strike ever with the Tomcat. I was total overtaken by the intensity of the down-draft. What followed were a couple of close calls, and as I begun to adjust, wave-off after wave-off, sparkled by a lousy trap every now and then. Only with heavy DLC usage, things started to improve a bit.

Up to now I tried to avoid using DLC, as it seemed to me mostly as a cheap fix to a previous mistake. I would rather go around and do it better next time. Now I wonder if it is still viable to safely land the Tomcat without DLC at all.


I’m wondering if the Tarawa received the same treatment? I almost orphaned my children last night in the Harrier with an AUW of around 14k. Of course I shouldn’t be coming over the arse end, but all of that hovering takes away from my debrief.


Is the DLC not a real thing or is it simplified ? I have to admit I use it a lot to get me just right. Obviously for me the hind is taking most of my air time. The F16 with JDAMs is also calling and my huey thinks where getting a divorce :grinning:

Yes, the real jets had DLC. I heard the burble was one of the big reasons DLC was implemented.


I find myself coming in .flying The Ball a little Higher Now…leaves a second or two for a quick AOA correction and lets The Burble Settle you at a good deck height…but I’m far from catching #3 consistently,
I’m Wondering How The Hornet will handle The Burble???..I’m thinking it might present an even bigger challenge than The Tomcat?? :thinking:

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Managed 3 of 3 traps in the Turkey last night, but 100% agree that my technique had to change and DLC matters a lot more. I found myself flying it high and using DLC instead of throttle to make a trap happen. Interesting.


I’ve been on the road the last couple of weeks, but have read the dev update and everyone’s pireps with a little trepidation, since historically I’ve done better in the Tomcat than the Hornet (3:1 bolter to landing ratio on the bug).

Last night I got the chance to finally do some traps with my new Reverb G2, and I was extremely happy. No bolters (amazingly), and only one trap that was a little hard and off-centerline (and a 1-wire, as much as I cringe to admit it :flushed:). Would probably have to go see CAG after that IRL.

My other 4 were all decent (for me) 2, 3 and 4 wires on centerline, with just a little bit of help from the DLC and the autothrottle (whatever it’s called). I also managed an “OK 3-Wire”, which was probably one of the first times I’ve managed that in either airplane, so I was supremely proud!.

The burble didn’t seem to really affect much for me, just a little bit of DLC on short groove kept me right on the ball. So, in my opinion the Tomcat is still easier to trap with than the hornet, although my feet stay a lot busier. It’d definitely a rudder airplane at low-speed high AOA.


You Sir….Must of had an Excellent Instructor!


If anyone saw how many times I boltered the hornet at night during Raven One, they’d take my (virtual) wings. The last 2 seconds everything kept falling apart on me!

Sometimes I reflect that it’s a good thing I don’t twitch or stream my virtual flying. Nobody would want to ride in the back of a Citation with me up front if they watched that!


With the latest patch, HB toned down the effect of the burble considerably. Now, landings are looking good again.

The upwind in the middle is still clearly visible, as it causes a decrease in AOA which I find difficult to prevent but correctable.


And I was just getting comfortable being tossed down 150” to the deck :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

Ahaha I suck at this. Made a trap yesterday near Guam, first one was Wave off, wave off. Second one everyone was screaming things but I was too focused, didn’t hear a thing. Lucked into the three wire too. Paddles told me I was gonna go fly rubber dogshit out of HongKong.