Masters of the Air Trailer

It does. But I’m still a bit unclear about the scope here as I was under the impression that MotA was about the Bloody 100th.
So it will be interesting to see how they tell the story.

Yeah, and that’s ok in my book. It’s 9 episodes after all. They will have to cut some corners and simplify the story for the audience, as well as embellish on some areas, to make it interesting.

I found this article while surfing for info.
It’s good for a morning coffee.

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Like BoB and The Pacific it will be epic in scope but ‘focus’ on individuals. I just hope we get to see the same interviews at the end like we did with the other two.


Yeah! That really set the mood…!

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Yep. Should be compulsory viewing for young men contemplating going to war and old men who are contemplating sending them!


When BoB came out 20 something years ago I remember thinking at the time that there really were not too many WW2 vets still with us. Now almost all have passed away. Hopefully they started interviewing some time ago.


I have to very strongly disagree with this suggestion- there’s simply way too much history, context, and honestly too much at stake with a project like that to trust it again to folks who don’t have a frame of reference for the experiences.

As for international appeal, don’t forget that Coates and Coogler were the team behind “Black Panther,” the first Marvel movie to break $1 billion gross at the box offices.


Did say I was going out on a limb… :wink:


Yeah, it’s a faceted story and the actual flying part isn’t even the most important one…

That said, I’d reeeeally like to see Peter Jackson do an aviation movie! Preferably about WWI.


If you ever get a chance to go to Canberra’s Australian War Memorial you will get a taste of what a Peter Jackson WWI aerial battle movie would be like. There is a massive multiscreen feature that plays there in the hall where the WWI aircraft are on display. I had to stay and watch it multiple times. It is fantastic.


There is no one left alive with a frame of reference for WWII to make a movie.
While there are certain commonalities among “war films”, WWII was unique enough an event that I wouldn’t assume someone who made a good Iraq War film or Napoleonic War film could make a good WWII one. They might, but they just might as easily screw it up.
Of course, the screenwriters would be heavily involved in that as well, so making sure they are grounded in the subject and have the ability to write one is even more important, regardless of who the director is.

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Getting closer!


…and I just discovered yesterday that I have an Apple TV subscription because of my cell phone provider. Suddenly I’m very excited for this.


cough pirate harbor for me


It’s so easy to forget, sometimes, how damn young they all were…


That is honestly a massive, constant gripe I have with most military -themed movies and TV shows here in the States - they get a bunch of 30 and 40 year olds as main characters when they need to be teenagers and in their 20s.

Well, that’s half of my gripe, anyway.


I was also preparing for that too.

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My uncle was 17 years old when he enlisted with my grandmother’s permission in the US Army Air Forces. He became a toggler / nose gunner on a B-17G. 3rd from left back row. 452 BG / 731 Sq


On 19 March '45 his Fort (A/C 901) was shot down by a JG 7 (Nowotny) Me-262 using RM4 rockets while they were attacking a truck factory near Zwickau. 5 members of his crew were on their first mission and the co-piot was on his second. Billy and the aircraft commander usually flew together and were on their 18th mission. My uncle was 19 and a Staff Sgt by then. Zwickau was the secondary target due to bad weather over the primary. With two engines out, the pilot managed to limp the aircraft east 300 miles into Soviet controlled territory in Poland. They ditched near Rodomsko, became guests of the Russians, and were back in England in 2 weeks. He flew at least one other mission on 21 April '45 to Karlsbad.

List of 452 BG missions

JG 7 victories 19 March 1945. Based on this record and 19 March mission details in the Osprey Book about JG 7, I believe that either Schnorrer, Schall, Lennartz, or Arnold got his fort.


Heartbreaking courage there… Thank you for sharing the story.

Which reminds me the best part of the Memphis Belle movie- the actors were looked believably young.


Thanks very much for sharing that family history Chipwich. Amazing young men and an inspirational generation.