OpenXR Dev Tools for WMR

Yes, a title bar sort of info message - I’ve not ever set the SteamVR OXR on that side, but I have seen pics of it showing that.

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Tried reinstalling WMR Portal, WMR for Steam and OpenXR dev tool, but the error is still present… Everything seems to be working, in spite of the error message. :thinking:

That is odd. :frowning:. You’re all up to date on Win 10 updates?

The only settings in there of note is the ability to turn on/auto/off motion reprojection (I think it defaults to auto, and will just kick in when at a 33/45/90 boundary) and the ability to set a custom resolution. The custom resolution is a funny one, as the values vary for the default based on what GPU you have and the amount of VRAM it has. So a 3080 or better with a Reverb G2 will be at 100% but a 2080 will default to 70% (ish). It is a bit like the SteamVR ‘auto’ setting. It’s nice to be able to get in there and set a fixed figure though, especially when you are using an upscaler like this NIS one. I think with your hardware you might be at 100% anyway, so that’s good.

The WMR team is pretty small and active, and I bet you can get them to look at this. I saw another bug like this and their advice was (Feedback Hub is an app that comes with windows, you should have it already):

Could you use the Feedback Hub app and “report a problem”? Put “OpenXR Developer Tools” in the summary line and select “Mixed Reality / Developer” for the category/subcategory, and finally under the last section do a “Start recording” and then reproduce the problem, then Stop recording.

Alternatively, @mbucchia at works on the WMR team and might be able to help out with more details, if you message him or create a topic there.

I’ll also poke around, as there may be some ‘nuke’ options to reset the version you have from the store. (something like this might be worth a go - Reinstall Microsoft Store in Windows 10 after uninstalling it with PowerShell » Winhelponline)

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Btw, what does the contents of your C:\Windows\System32\MixedRealityRuntime.json say? Here’s mine:

  "file_format_version": "1.0.0",
  "runtime": {
    "library_path": ".\\MixedRealityRuntime.dll"

…with the DLL it points to in the same directory, with details of this:

Exactly the same.

Different date is all…

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Looks like you’re not the only one with this @Troll - might be worth seeing if anyone has any ideas around it - OpenXR NIS upscaling software - Release thread - #144 by Rubiom20 - Virtual Reality (VR) - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

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Interesting… Good find. Maybe I should try to remove the NIS and see if it’s associated?

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Looks like it was - maybe some sort of loading delay where you can retry:

If you go to the next tab after getting this error, and then click back on this tab - it works and shows all layers correctly. It’s just the first time you try - it times out with an error.

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What do you think he means by tab? Click on developer settings and then back on System status, or what?


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I think I’ve done that…? But I’ll test it again tomorrow. Hey, it is tomorrow already! :wink:
Merry Christmas, @fearlessfrog! :santa:

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Merry Christmas @Troll! :santa: :deer: :christmas_tree:

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Tried clicking back and forth, but no change.

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Et voilà!

Updating the Visual C++ runtimes fixed my problems.


Good news! I wonder if it’s because it’s a clean PC without many apps on it, so it needed the vc dist that normally comes with other games or apps?

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Ah… I though that came with the normal Windows install? But yeah, It’s a dedicated flightsim PC with just DCS, IL-2 and MSFS installed. And associated VR apps, of course.

It should come with the apps as an install step. Best guess is that stuff that came via the Microsoft Store (openxr dev tools etc) is bugged on that step maybe.

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Amazing, isn’t it? I look at my new rig and realize that’s all I have it for (currently only DCS installed, waiting for X-Plane 12).

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