So I guess its my turn
Next leg in my journey with FSW is from eastern Slovakia to eastern Romania = LZKZ Kosice to LRCK Constanta. Initialy I planned for other destination airport but I changed my mind after the waypoint before last.
For this hop it is turn for the Piper PA-28 Cherokee 180. Cruise speed 122kt and range 700NM (acording to FSW).
The default aircrafts are imho nice in details.
I was wondering if FSW has already the Save/Load flight capability and it has. And as addition, if you plan your flight via ingame Flight Planner and you will not finish the flight in one hop (I think these are the prerequisites), you will be offered with this RESUME FLIGHT option instead of standard FREE FLIGHT.
I was also playing around with the plane setup. We have two options here, one is simple configuration with sliders and some detailed possibilities in the particular tabs.
I went with the sliders and did setup also light failures.
What actually hapened was failure of the Directional Gyro instrument so I had hard time to use HDG hold on the AP KAP 140 fitted in the plane. The second part of the flight I used VOR to VOR nav instead.
And I was able to display and use the GNS 430 with the PA-28. GPS is not available in the PA-18, strange.
First waypoint was Uzhorod, Ukraine. Here from little distance and also little closer. The downtown buildings seems to be autogen.
Next touch and go was Tăuții-Măgherăuș already in Romania, but still on the western part of the Karpaty ridge.
Then crossing of higher terain was on the schedule. Nice vistas suplemented with the trueSKY (its actually trueSKY and not ActiveSky like I have writen in my last report - have to correct it).
Final destination, Constanta Mihail Kogălniceanu International Airport, is close to the shore line of the Black See. So I decided to have a closer look on the coast and watter surface. Hmm… some reflections, but little boring I would say.
And here I go for the full stop.
For the next leg I have two options, north coast of the Black See or the south coast. I think I will go for the southern part as the northern part we know quite well from other sim(s).