Thank you for the suggestion sir. Now to just find those folders/files…
Mine are located here:
And this is where I moved them to:
This also explains how you were selecting those practice missions. (Which I don’t think I’ve noticed when firing up the campaign.) You did a file move and not a copy paste right?
Copy them, don’t move them or you will break the campaign. As in it can’t find the files.
Cooking with gas now. Just wrapped up BFT-03 with another qualified minus rating. Off to BFT-04…
BFT-04 was easy enough. Took two attempts at the practice missions for BFT-05 and failed both times unfortunately. It seems as though the window is pretty tight when it comes to speeds and AOA.
So after another failed attempt at the practice mission for BFT-05, I decided to just attempt the qualification and surprisingly enough I passed. I swear I think the margin for error on the qualification was wider than the practice mission as I don’t feel flew any differently than I was in the practice missions.
You’re rapidly approaching my most hated mission of the series - BFT 07 - Aerobatics. I struggled with some of that…
Yep, I can’t say I’m looking forward to that one at all.
So I think I could have passed BFQ #6 on the first go round had it not been for the blowing up of the airplane on that engine out landing. For some strange reason, I couldn’t get my flaps to deploy and as a result I ended up about 100 feet short of the edge of the runway and had a heck of a crash. Guess I’ll be trying that one again tomorrow…
Passed BFQ#6 last night and I think that might be the first one I’ve been able to pass outside of #1 with a true qualified rating as opposed to qualified minus. That dual engine out landing definitely gives you some pucker moments for sure and while I was able to get the bird on the ground without damage, I did run off the end of the runway even with the use of the emergency brake. Whoops!
On to Beach’s worst nightmare BFQ…
Congratz, mate!
And don’t call me Shirley…
BFQ#7 in the books. Qualified minus, but I’ll take it!
After attempting the emergencies BFQ practice numerous times now, I’m at a loss for what you are supposed to do during the manual reversion portion of the qual. As soon as I flip the manual reversion switch my bird seems to begin rocking back and forth worse and worse to the point where it becomes completely uncontrollable. This is after I’ve flipped the emergency retract switch for the flaps… Any ideas fellas?
Nevermind…after a few more attempts at the practice mission, I was able to pass the #8 with a qualified rating. Time to move on to ILS!
ILS BFQ complete. That one was a bit hairy as the instructions tell you to maintain a particular course even though the runway is not on that course.
Yeah…being somewhat of a professional aviator (cough)…it is often hard for me to get totally synched with simulation procedures because they just scream NOOOOOOO! in some instances. Ya’ just gotta suspend disbelief a bit and go with it (and remember NOT to transfer any sim-isms over to real life…lol…)