VR and Older Games - Partial Success

Just tried this, so some steps if it helps anyone. Set up I used:

  1. Opentrack is essentially taking the position data from your Rift/Vive headset and converting it to TrackIR output, so that the older games receives trackIR data. I used the most recent OpenTrack version here:

Releases · opentrack/opentrack · GitHub

I just picked the opentrack-2.3.9-win32-setup.exe version, installed it and set it up as follows:

So for a Rift, used the Input as the 1.4 runtime and output Freetrack.

Note: Do go to options and set up a ‘recenter’ key, as you’ll need it.

  1. Next up set up Virtual Desktop to run your game. I added the ‘Launch’ binary of Cliffs of Dover Blitz (and renamed it in VD, as it was called ‘Launcher’ or something):

So essentially click on the ‘Games’ tab of Virtual Desktop, hit ‘Add Game’ (bottom left) and pick the .exe that gets run. I turned off ‘multimonitors’ in Virtual Desktop, but other than that changed nothing.

  1. Run Cliffs of Dover by hitting that big ‘Play’ button in Virtual Desktop. I set it up as follows (although this might be a personal thing of settings):

a. I used the Virtual Desktop touch controllers two ‘grab’ buttons to zoom my desktop in a bit, as it was not full screen. How do you like to run yours @SierraAlphaMike? Do you have a VDesktop environment showing or do you have a ‘full screen’ globe or something?

b. Once in the air in Cliffs of Dover, I went to the Settings / Controls and changed the ‘Camera’ bindings for the ‘Field of View +/-’ to some keys. I could then set up a nice ‘zoom’ level for where I was in the cockpit (plus used that opentrack ‘recenter’ key I had bound earlier).

c. Fly! It’s not in 3D but it’s far nicer than TrackIR. Performance was great.

So, worth a try, plus let people know settings that work for older games.