So when you play Cliffs of Dover (Eric Johnson joke autoinsert) then do you play it as a large rectangle in front of you (that you can scale bigger or smaller using Virtual Desktop), or is it displayed differently? I’m wondering if I should leave the psuedo full screen/window thing as default in CloD or not.
Rectangle, but close enough to fill the whole VR view.
Screen Size - 150 degrees
Screen Distance - 7m
Screen Curve - 30%
Then I adjust the ingame FOV until it looks right. Not perfect, but it works.
Ok, this is one of those things that is technically both pointless and ridiculous (my unique callsign here I guess) but:
You Can Run DCS In VR At 120 Frames Per Second
(if you don’t play it in 3d)
(the Rift/Vive can’t show faster than 90)
I disabled VR in DCS, put every graphical setting I could to MAX, and then set up so the virtual desktop DCS window filled my field of view and then (with Opentrack running, you need to run this before starting Virtual Desktop btw) I can play with a massively higher framerate.
Now, ignore that it’s actually now rendering a single 1920x1080 screen rather than the 2x Rift displays it normally does, it is really fun to try.
OK - I tried with EECH prior to reading the last posts starting with @fearlessfrog’s - so I’ll have to go back and see what I missed. But like @SierraAlphaMike was saying with regards to EECH - it works quite well in 2D in Virtual Desktop. I used the default settings, and he is right that the vertical speed needs to be adjusted (I’ll do that next) and there is a very tiny amount of lag between head movement…but honestly, I didn’t find it distracting. I think I do need to figure out perhaps how to have a black background behind Virtual Desktop instead of “space”…LOL…
Pretty cool…!
I missed that too. I just launched the EECH.exe from the desktop and EECH went “full screen” as it were.
I just fiddle with the Virtual Desktop settings so you can’t really see anything but the game. A bit of screen curve (as @SierraAlphaMike’s settings for Clod show) helps. You might need to find a way to change Field of View or Zoom inside of EECH though.
One downside of that VD games tab is that it hijacks the Function Key assignments. It actually might be best to do it outside of it. For games that support the old Nvidia 3D gaming view it is handy (remember those shutter glasses?)
Hmm, hang on - got an idea.
How about using Reshade to inject a Anagliph filter (red/green 3d glasses) and then use Virtual Desktop’s Anagliph support to show it in 3D with normal colors in the Rift/Vive?
I’ll give it a go.
Yeah…dabbling with both. EECH has default keys for changing field of view “7”, “8”, and “9” keys which vary the FOV. I’ve found using the wide view “9” with a Virtual Desktop screen size of 120 degrees, screen distance of 2.0 m, and a screen curve of 70% gives a pretty good feeling of immersion (next gen resolution can’t get here fast enough though!!).
To keep the mini-HUD centered to my view (because it also links to the chain gun!) I have to use pretty aggressive mapping…but it lines up very nicely.
There he goes. Speaking all that weird stuff again. We will have a 3D Discobot and VR Chat on the site before midnight…!
Ha ha, this is hilarious. It’s like we’ve gone back in time and we’re trying to convince King Arthur how an iPhone will let him kill the dragon.
So I’m running Reshade 3 from here -
I’m using a 3D depth shader, and letting it hook into DX10 here - GitHub - BlueSkyDefender/Depth3D: Depth Based 3D & Other post-process shaders
I then tell Virtual Desktop to do a ‘side by side’ render, to give me the Cliffs of Dover in 3D…
For Cliffs of Dover, put the reshade dxgi.dll and dxgi.ini here:
GAME_INSTALL_LOCATION\Steam\steamapps\common\IL-2 Sturmovik Cliffs of Dover\parts\core
You also have to set up a ‘activate shader hotkey’ pretty quick, as the main menu has trouble with the reshade UI.
I can now get CloD in 90 FPS in 3D with headtracking inside the Rift. Cool.
This would work with BigScreen as well (it has similar support) and that’s free:
I recall all the steps I had to go through to get quasi 3D on my phone and VR headset : TrackIR, software A and software B, sometimes software C, which didn’t always get on with software A…
All hail the Oculus Rift…
Revisiting this topic because I was trying to use the Open Track + Virtual Desktop technique of getting Strike Fighters 2 working in my Rift…but it doesn’t appear to work. Rumor has it that the Strike Fighters 2 executable actually launches another .exe when you are starting the game or something…so I can’t get it to actually fire up in Virtual Desktop. I CAN get it working with Open Track though…which is nice. Now I just need a helmet type frame I can mount my Rift to. Actually, just propping it up on my forehead does sort of make it feel like a flight helmet…so yay realism…
How did I miss this thread…?
Oh, right! Because it was around X-mas and the end of my cmdr training…
Really interesting stuff!
I wonder if I can make this work with Rise of Flight?
Just played a mission in Strike Fighters with Open Track and the Rift just propped up on my head like this:
Surprisingly, it is not too uncomfortable, the tracking is great with Open Track even at that angle (you just hit the track reset button and Open Track sets that position as the “center” angle, and it seems to have no problems with limits due to that angle). SF2 plays really nicely with Open Track although SF2 doesn’t offer the roll axis (tilting your head side to side).
I gave TriDef 3D a shot trying to get it to work with the Rift and SF2, but no joy on that. Even forcing DX9 mode didn’t seem to make it want to work.
Man, I had forgotten that SF2 doesn’t support 6DOF. So, no joy getting SF2 to display even in VirtualDesktop?
No, when I launch the SF2 executable, the SF2 splash screen comes up, but a few seconds after launch it disappears from Virtual Desktop world and leaves me floating in space as the 2D screen fills the monitor.
Hmm. I wonder if VorpX will do it…
Yeah…if I could get EECH and SF2 working with VorpX - it’d be an insta-buy for me. Unfortunately, the chicken comes before the egg on that one in that they don’t have a demo of VorpX…sigh…
I’ve got EECH working…!!! Will post up some details later - still working on some tweaks. It’s awesome-ish…