VR Flight Simming is a dumb hobby to get into

Fair point about HOTAS, my costs analysis didn’t include any HOTAS controls, only some parts to DIY them.

What kind of hardware are you running? You also raise a good point about IL2/WT being better optimized and less demanding on the pc.

Probably above average, rtx 3070, some 5800x cpu. Anyway aside DCS/MSFS I can run IL2/WT/VTOL VR native resolution without reprojection on high settings. MSFS / DCS I have to enable reprojection and go ~medium settings, but the 36FPS render to 72FPS VR is rock solid smooth for me. I actually think I have a margin here to go quest3 without upgrade of PC.

Just remember, I am talking about reprojection done on the quest2 internal HW, not the OpenXR one done by your PC, the latter is much much inferior as it bot taxes GPU and produces artefacts around cockpit window edges.

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agree, and you already mentioned VTOL VR. plus we can add Falcon BMS for the hardcore crowd.

Very good points. Falcon BMS VR is about as demanding as IL2.

I suspect VTOL:VR (which is awesome) would run on practically any hardware.

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