Where You Are Photos (2020)

I have to say that I’m impressed. They are hand held shots too.


I still remember the grainy shots from my 4S or 5S when taken in low light. Those are completely different.

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Nice pictures PaulRix! I was outside last night trying to see Elon Musk’s rocket wiz by (couldn’t see it), but was hard not to notice how beautiful Orion was in the night sky.

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From tonight’s flight… It looks like something from a Science Fiction movie!
We were actually looking North East at the New Orleans area while heading to Austin. I’m already liking this iPhone 11 camera a lot.


Troll looks at his iPhone X…



The X has a really nice camera. There is no way I would have upgraded from my X but on the last day of my recent New Zealand trip I was having issues with getting my iPad to connect the the iPhone hotspot, so I rebooted the phone. When it came back up, the SIM card was no longer being recognized. When I got home, a visit to the local Apple store revealed that the SIM card interface (not the SIM card itself) was fried. So I had the choice of paying a not inconsiderable amount for a replacement X, or for a bit more, the 11 Pro… so ummmm, I left the store with a shiny new 11 Pro. I should add that I never bothered with AppleCare before and saw it as a waste of money… but I have Apple care on this one.


Would you not have normal warranty on that 10? Perhaps if you have it then it might be still worth claiming it through the national lines that can help you with that. In The Netherlands Apple Care is largely a scam since normal warranty covers it.

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My 10 was a little over 2 years old and well out of warranty (which is 1 year IIRC). Considering that there was a problem with the handset, I was very surprised that they gave me a $400 trade in credit for it.

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Beach looks at his iPhone 6+… :man_shrugging:t3:


Well, hey… It’s a 6 plus!

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My thoughts on my XR after those photos…haha!

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That is mighty impressive for a phone camera, however not that surprising after seeing what kind of detail you can pull out of pretty bad pictures of the night sky using the stacking process.

A little more from Münster:




Beautiful shots as always @Derbysieger!

We literally were burning the midnight oil today. 12 hour day! But tomorrow is the grand opening with the mayor present and all, so some things just couldnt be left undone. Such as putting in 28foot flagpoles.

so today I rode the bike, loaded down with two kids through the rain to the place I worked at to celebrate it’s official opening. I took the above pictures while the bigwigs were waffling on. Of course when it came time to lift the mayors tree into it’s spot, I got the honors, due to wearing my workboots. In the back of the lowest picture, behind the crowd you see the climbing range for the big kids, which resembles the rigging of a ship buried in the sand. It is awesome, dangerous and askew and the kids freaking love it. I also loved building the thing, even in the rain and after dark.


Moody moon this morning at 5am


Big day today…




Thanks! I have been living over here since 2002. The US is my home now, and so I figured it was about time to make it official.


In a year and a half I have lived half my life in Norway. Don’t see myself moving back to Sweden. The two countries are very similar to eachother. I mean, there are often larger cultural differences within the two countries than between them. And due to the Norwegian deal with the EU, I have almost the same privileges as a Norwegian citizen.
But, as of this year, Norway approves dual citizenships, so I’m going to apply… :slight_smile:


Congratulations Paul Rix!!!

ps did you also persuade Harry and Meagan to come over too?-}


The brits are now 2/2 in terms of American divorcees causing royal succession abdication crisis’s. Those are rookie numbers. :wink: