I don’t use the WT3 ATC, but let Pilot2ATC do its thing. Because I am using Active Sky, then the weather is the same between them all, meaning the active runways etc all tie up. P2ATC reads in AI flights from X-Plane and WT3 is setting X-Plane AI flights as it works them out, so it all works together. It’s nice as even the TCAS lines up as well, plus numbering for take off and landing.
I don’t mind having to set up W3 activation, as I tend to cold start and do all the gubbins for setting up a flight, so that’s just one initial flight planning step.
Info on the the packages working together here:
What’s interesting is that the WT3 author has said that he intends to hook into other ATC packages some more, so the ideal would be P2ATC speech output talking to other WT3 flights for some busier realistic ATC radio noise.