1 Troop, A Squadron, 1st Armoured Regiment - Circa 1988

A bunch of old photos that I had forgotten about, literally came back into my possession today. I have started scanning them and thought this forum might enjoy some candid shots of an Aussie tank troop on the range.

My room mate, he was the driver of 11, and our room:

Almost forgot one…


Awesome photos, thanks for sharing. That looks like pretty country, lots of ruts for some reason.

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Typical central Victoria and ideal tank country. When these photos were taken both the School of Armour and the only tank unit the time, 1st Armd Regt, were based at Puckapunyal.

My parents were still living only a bit over an hours drive away in Melbourne and I would visit whenever I could. This photo was on the same roll of film :slight_smile:


What is that on the aerial in the last picture, so kind of MILES receiver?

Also the Ferrari poster over your rack, and man of class :wink:

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I wondered the same.

Nothing nearly as sophisticated. It is basically a ‘beacon’ that faces backwards for the other tanks to follow at night. The sliders basically toogle it between ‘white light’ - ‘black out’ - 'Active IR"

In that photo the sun is setting in the west and we are about to head out on a night gunnery exercise.

That is my room mates rack taken from my bunk . But, oh man, that guy and that car.

He was from Adelaide and lemme tell you about the time we decided to drive from Pucka to his sisters one ‘weekend’ over Easter (a bit over 500 miles each way)… we picked up a couple of English backpackers on the way :wink:

And before you all start getting Wolf Creek vibes:

We picked them up hitch hiking on Good Friday just outside Bendigo and they said they were going to Adelaide so we gave them a lift, partied with them on Saturday night… and I’m not making this up. Picked them up again on the side of the highway just outside of Adelaide as we were heading home on Sunday and dropped them off in Bendigo late that afternoon.


Looks like good times man. Or, at least, simpler times.

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Great photos Harry!

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