737 Max emergency landing


Not exactly news, I guess, but quite a bit of interesting detail here:



I think I found a solution. We need this kind of Boeing passenger jet.


I don’t think that this will ever get old :wink:

Don’t have FB.

But I would be cool with flying over my desination and being ‘dropped off’ (parachute provided) as long as I had one of these following up and delivering my luggage


Airline disclaimer: “Luggage may, or may not be delivered.”


More woe for Boeing and its customers:

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Interesting interview:

Also this:

Oh man, it is totally unrelated and not even a 737max OR Boeing’s fault, but a few hours ago a Boeing lost a tyre of its nose gear in Atlanta.

(it was a Delta airlines 757)

That’s really bad timing, the jokes go on and on now.

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There are 45,000 commercial flights daily in the US alone, so the odds are staggeringly in mankind’s favor.


Landing gear failures like the DAL one in ATL are fairly common—or at least common enough to be unnewsworthy. Were it not for the Max issue, we would never have known about it. This is why people often perceive news topics to come in “twos and threes”.

One thing worth noting, even if it has been mentioned before, is that this plug is identical to the one in the 737-900ER, a plane my airline had been operating since at least 2010. We’ve not had a single issue with the plug over 100’s of thousands of hours of operation.

I am considering bidding back to the 737. My current fleet, B757 and B767, will die of old age soon. The Airbus, B787 and B777 are all pretty boring to me. And in the case of the Boeings, flying 12+ hours has zero appeal. Despite the continued disastrous Max production, the plane is a marvel of simplicity and I still love it like a wayward child.


Looks like the paperwork mismatch is another hole in the swiss cheese model of error propagation:

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I can certainly see the appeal of going back to domestic flying. I have enjoyed the last couple of years where my international flying took a back seat, but I have to admit I’m looking forward to getting back to it this year.


@paulrix Any NZ trips, let me know! We’re well overdue for a beer :smile:

What a cluster**** this is. If anybody still wonders why humans shouldn’t run NPPs, the current state of Boing is a prime example.

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NPP? What’s the connection?

That given the right conditions, even good processes can be made to fail catastrophically.

What is an NPP

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Nuclear power plant I guess?

I like the spelling of “Boing”


NPP, how can I explain it
I’ll take you frame by frame it

You down with NPP (yeah you know me)

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