737 Max emergency landing

Of course! I was waaaaaaaaay off

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My airline is placing the Max9 back in service starting Saturday. The inspection profile looks pretty easy. (But I’m no mechanic)

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I laughed way too hard at this. oh, nostalgia

If New Zealand appears on my schedule I will definitely give you a shout!

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Even more trouble for poor old Beoing:

Jeezus! That guy uses 5000 words to say what can be said in 50. And he gets it wrong. If your intent is to wow your audience with techno-babble, get the jargon right. An example is his assertion that Eng A/I is sourced from the 5th and 9th compressor stages. That’s for the NGs (different airplane). On the Max it’s the 4th and 10th stages. Rivet-counting? Yes, it is. But if he wants to talk the talk then he has to be nuts-on accurate or his audience will just be people who don’t know any better.

The Max7 delay is not huge, as there aren’t a lot of customers. The Max10 is tougher. This is the airplane that will do a very poor job of replacing the B757. Like the other (poor) B757 replacement, the A321XLR, it’s run into several certification snags.


Caught this on the radio this morning. A good friend and former classmate of mine from undergrad worked at Spirit Aerosystems for several years out of school, and I know she was incredibly eager to jump ship as quickly as was possible. A lot of the horror stories and anecdotes in this article were things we were talking about five, six years ago.

Quality control problems at the two companies come as no surprise to longtime industry analyst Richard Aboulafia, because Boeing has been aggressively pushing its suppliers to cut costs for years.
“You had the people at the top focused on numbers, money,” said Aboulafia, the managing director at AeroDynamic Advisory. “Basically, everyone was subject to rigorous cost cuts without an awareness of what this would do to technical execution.”


Funny though. There is a chance that Spirit had nothing to do with the Alaska incident. A report is due next week but it’s been hinted that Boeing removed and replaced the plug at Renton just before delivery.


Wow. That’s spicy

Well, ■■■■. Come on Boeing!

Frankly, this is one more piece of evidence why stock buy backs should be illegal again.
Dividends, sure, but throwing literal billions of dollars at making your stock worth more by cutting away at engineering, testing, and manufacturing is beyond stupid.



Every word is nuts on!

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Don’t need to watch because “YES!” “Downfall” on Netflix is a perfect rundown of how Boeing arrived at this point.


Oooh. Thanks, I’ll watch that later :+1:

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seems like the person in charge of the 737 MAX program has left Boeing

More likely that they were asked to leave.


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considering the follow-up took seat as the this person had left the office, it was more than a friendly request I’m sure

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