@Bogusheadbox…that you…?
Crikeys, I wish. The missus wouldn’t be so accommodating.
It looks like he has started with an escape module and is adding the ‘sheet metal’ himself.
I would like to know how he got a hold of it? and I bet the RAAF does as well. My understanding is due to the conditions under which they were sold to us, other than the few that eneded up in museums, the rest had to be disposed of… In this case, buried.
Edit: I have blurred that photo because it makes me want to cry every time I see it.
My inner plant mechanic just says “ooooh Cat D9R”
There were a couple of escape modules floating around in museums, I’d guess it’s one of those or from a similar source. It can’t be a RAAF example for the reasons you say… but grey paint is a thing you can buy fortunately
Also, I don’t think it’s what’s left of A8-141, because that was still at the RAAF Amberley Heritage centre, last I checked…