AI=Absent Intelligence..?

Good thing I am very flexible in that regard xD
Should you have time, you want to fly and see me online on Discord you can just shoot me a message. If I am not otherwise engaged I will be happy to fly for an hour or so.

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Well I certainly don’t but there’s scores of people who can.
Maybe the video game industry doesn’t pay well enough. (HINT: definitely they don’t)


Even the most advanced neural nets of today are orders of magnitude smaller than a human brain. We simply don’t have the computational power to make anything of that complexity. You can get away with that today if you abstract away lots of stuff and look at only a few subsets of the entire problem, but if we talk about the scale of making an automaton actually behave like a human, I’m not sure if we will live to see that.


Even when comparing against pilot brains…? :thinking:

Real Artificial Intelligence is of course very demanding. This is also sort of the point I’m trying to get at here… All we want is that our single player opponents appears a bit more life-like.
I think this wish is also reflected in the wish for dynamic campaigns. We want the missions to appear more like a real war and we want the opponents we fight to act like they are real too.


But even there and I will go from the Heron interview on the matter the AI was trained using Reinforcement learning, couldn’t actually learn anything new during the actual fight and couldn’t do anything outside of BFM in the training environment only. It had perfect state information but it still lost against a gamer…eventually. :grinning:

A lot of work has been done to Falcon over the past few years…Last week I set up a multi flight basic TE (SEAD / CAP / STRIKE / Standoff ECM) with a real weather map and put myself in the number 2 slot (don’t remember risking that before). However the formation flying and the way the lead AI calls out the formation changes during the flight was amazing.

When you are lead you can formation land with the AI or my fave is the overhead approach where the AI forms close up on you down the runway then you break into landing pattern. Also things like making sure the AI doesn’t get stuck on taxiways etc…the amount of work must have been immense.


Even the pro’s, struggle with their AI opponents! :wink:

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Imo the screenshot below is a perfect example of AI frustrations.

That flaming ball of fire is my Player self during that particular mission. I am in autopilot mode watching the action against the ships and the next thing I know I see that Roman candle of myself go shooting across my field of view. Naturally all the enemy AI planes had teed off on me and completely ignored the Torpedo Bomber planes they were assigned to attack and even the other fighters that were attacking them.

I am mission building at the moment so I was in outside camera view looking around to see how things played out when this happened. Had I been the only plane left to be shot out of the sky it would not be so frustrating to see the conga line of planes behind me but when there are other planes in the sky I would really like them to be a priority too.


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If you have the time I am always home for at least another week. You can hit me up on discord if you want to fly :slight_smile:

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Thanks! Not going to be able for at least two weeks… :frowning:

Like all of you I have been beating up AI bots for as long as I can remember. Today’s AI is far better than yesterday’s. Look at @wheelsup_cavu dragging every enemy fighter in old school il2. And that’s not even discussing the awful way that game did ai gunnery.

Nu-il2 ai is pretty darn nice imo. Probably slightly better than DCS’. But not by a wide margin. The main thing I have issue with re the DCS bots is their FM. Those bovine excrement forever vertical loops.

Sure fighting humans is more fun. Strangely it can also get more boring, as both players min-max the heck out of things and neutralise eachother in a constant merry-go-round. Bit like high level MMA grappling really.

And that’s only looking at BFM. On a larger tactical level there’s so much to be won in AI programming/scripting. Dumb as a bag of hammers is understating it.