Welcome to the Mudspike Air Delivery / Air Hauler 2 FAQ!
Air Hauler 2 (AH2), by software publisher Just Flight, is a detailed passenger/freight company simulator that integrates with FSX, P3D, and X-Plane. In late May, 2020 - the long anticipated X-Plane 11 version of Air Hauler 2 was released.
Using the AH2 Virtual Airline feature, Mudspike members can participate in a collaborative effort to build up an airline that can suit almost every flying style out there from the smallest bush plane up to large transport category aircraft.
Air Hauler 2 for X-Plane 11 is available HERE
Air Hauler 2 for P3D/FSX is available HERE
AH2 communicates with your simulator by both actively setting conditions AND monitoring flight conditions and progress. There are various tips and tricks to getting the most out of AH2 that we will discuss - expect this FAQ to change and morph over time.
Currently - the Mudspike Air Delivery (MAD) virtual airline Join Code is:
- India Four One Yankee - Bravo Four quebec Five
MAD is currently focused on the Pacific Northwest corner of the United States, though flights can be flown for MAD from pretty much anywhere. As the company generates revenue, we will add additional bases down the West Coast. While default simulator scenery works just fine with AH2 some MAD pilots are using the excellent Orbx TrueEarth sceneries that span the West Coast from Seattle to San Diego.
Orbx TrueEarth Scenery for X-Plane
Orbx TrueEarth Scenery for FSX/P3D
As well, X-Plane pilots can use satellite imagery (orthos) to build photorealistic scenery of the areas they want to fly in. Freeware prebuilt orthos exist for Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Nevada and California:
Caution - Ortho imagery for X-Plane 11 requires enormous storage capacity due to the large amount of data they contain (for instance - Washington State orthos will take up about 66GB of hard drive space).
Current MAD Aircraft
- Cessna 172 Bush
- Aviat Husky A-1C
- TBM 900
- DHC-6-300 Twin Otter (Tundra Tires)
Current MAD Bases
KEAT - Pangborn Memorial Airport, Wenatchee, Washington