I need some translation help - I tried Google Translate, and it does a fair job, but it misses some of the details:
Durante la ida, los pilotos prepararon la maniobra. Tenían que descargar en tiempo récord a 110 soldados y sus equipos. El plan era así: después de aterrizar, debían dejar el 737 en la cabecera opuesta, con el lado derecho pegado al límite de la pista, o sea, al pasto. El motor izquierdo quedaría funcionando. Blau bajaría por la puerta delantera izquierda y con un grupo de soldados siguiéndolo daría la vuelta hasta el lado derecho, donde después de abrir las dos bodegas, comenzarían a tirar al pasto todo lo que traía la nave. Una parada en boxes de Fórmula 1. Así fue: “Después de vaciar ambas bodegas en el pasto, cerré las puertas, volví a correr por atrás del avión, subí por la escalera y cerré la última puerta. Simultáneamente, el Tuiti arrancaba el motor derecho. Hicimos un giro de 180 grados y despegamos para el otro lado. Tiempo total en la pista: nueve minutos y medio”.
Google Translate comes up with this:
During the trip, the pilots prepared the maneuver. They had to unload in record time to 110 soldiers and their equipment. The plan was this: after landing, had to leave the 737 in the opposite header hit the right edge of the track, or side, the grass. The left engine would be running. Blau would drop by the front door and left with a group of soldiers would follow him around to the right side, where after opening the two wineries, the grass begin to pull all that brought the ship. A pit stop was Formula 1. So after emptying both wineries in the grass, closed the door, turned to run down the back of the plane, climbed the stairs and closed the last door. Simultaneously, the Tuiti started the right engine. We did a 180 degree turn and took off for the other side. Total time on the track: nine minutes and a half.
So I get the concept of the translation - but I’m looking for exactly what was said. My take:
737 landed (probably to the west given the layout of the runway and the approach from the sea) and rolled out at the end of the 4,000’ runway. After rollout, they kept the right side of the aircraft near the grass (right wheels near the edge of the concrete), shut down the right engine (probably to prevent FOD). FO would get out via the left door onto the runway along with the soldiers, who would go around to the right side to open the cargo doors and pull all the cargo from the aircraft. The stop was similar to a Formula 1 pit stop. After emptying both cargo holds, closed the cargo doors, got back aboard, started the right engine, did a 180 turn and took off the same way they came in.
That sound about right?