I’m on the fence. On one hand it’s kind of cheap and it’s interesting content. On the other hand most of the innovation is free content so… maybe a sale?
ArmA 3 is still pretty much oriented in favor of MP gameplay, isn’t it?
Arma is pretty much oriented at whatever you want it to be oriented at.
I knew a girl like that. Nice lass.
There is a ton of SP content really. You can wade through the missions and campaigns at either Armaholic or the Steam Workshop. I’ve found a lot of really fun single player missions that kept my interest.
…and now there’s coffee up my nose.
This looks interesting. As long as it has content though (playable)…I mean, having cool thing to look at isn’t all that cool if there is nothing to do with them.
Hmmm. I’ve never heard of that one! That does look very interesting. I keep hovering over the re installation button for A3 but I dont know if I want to fall down the rabbit hole again… so…many…hours…
you know you want to … go on … click it
Have any of you finished old man? Having recently become an old man myself I am intrigued but also too old to just play it without first getting affirmation from others that it is worth my time.
I’ve similarly been waiting for some input on it. I’ve not tried it.