ARMA Fireteam Enlistment

I somehow started thinking that I should be doing MORE things that make me happy.

Being part of a Fireteam in Arma 3 does sound pretty freaking good, especially after enjoying Antistasi with the @Professionals and its newcomers.

So I was thinking to make things a little more official and see if we can make a weekly (or so) session.

For now let’s see how many of us have what.

  • ARMA 3 Zeus
  • ARMA 3 Karts
  • ARMA 3 Helicopters
  • ARMA 3 Marksmen
  • ARMA 3 Apex
  • ARMA 3 Jets
  • ARMA 3 Malden
  • ARMA 3 Laws of War
  • ARMA 3 Tac-Ops
  • ARMA 3 Tanks
  • ARMA 3 Cold War Germany
  • ARMA 3 Contact
  • ARMA 3 S.O.G. Prairie Fire
  • ARMA 3 Iron Curtain
  • ARMA 3 Western Sahara
  • ARMA 3 Spearhead 1944
  • ARMA 3 Reaction Forces
0 voters

Optional Mod Poll - I accept suggesstions but for now we keep it to the three we are using as of now for Antistasi.


And here’s the beginner’s guide.

Don’t let it scare you- if you already know how to play ARMA 3 and just want to drop in we can bring you up to speed fast.

IN CASE : anyone wants to be added to the “Professionals” please ask and we’ll add you to the group for easier round-up.


Antistasi is probably the best arma mod/scenario that i have played



EDIT: And remember why we are who we are…



It’s pretty excellent. Another good coop experience is Western Sahara’s Extraction mission, which is really fun and perfect for 4 players.

SOG Prairie Fire has some really good coop missions, as well as GM’s new one which I haven’t gotten to try yet.

Also, Reaction Forces has an awesome helicopter/infantry coop mission (Air Control, I think it’s called) that looks really fun (like a modern version of Mike Force), but needs someone with a HOTAS to fly helos. I haven’t gotten to play it yet since I haven’t had my HOTAS out in a while.

@komemiute, are we still looking at 2024-04-30T19:00:00Z? I have a medevac flight launching at O-dark-thirty tonight, but ought to be aware and awake tomorrow by then, and ought to be free for a bit.


How do you guys not have Malden? That’s part of the ARMA 3 package that was added free. lol


Having and knowing that one has are two different things. :grin:


Knowing Gi Joe GIF by MOODMAN


I think i have it downloaded … but will check when i get home


Hell yeah on my side.
I can maybe be 15 to 20 minutes late- depends on the daddy tasks but I plan on fighting for liberation of Altis as long as I can physically can.


Sounds good to me … will have done all taxi duties by then, so good to go :grinning:


Let’s go, hit me up.

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I am dealing with bad ■■■■ IRL… I’ll see if I can jump in later… Not sure.
Sorry everyone

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no problem mate … deal with the issue always another day

also just tried to log in to Tetet’s server and there may have been an update …

I’ll be starting in 10

Ah, crap I just saw the update that’s missing on the server…

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@Professionals ! The server is updated!

I’m sorry I didn’t make it. My trip last night turned haywire and when I finally did get home (noon) I went right to sleep.


Well I did manage to liberate a new town… and I must congratulate with athose who captured the Factory and the outpost overlooking it!

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@WarPig did a lot of that I just helped at the end … the cheetah anti-aircraft vehicle makes a wonderful anti-personnel weapon :grinning:


I’m dropping in again. Kicking some hornets nest. :wink:

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That airfield is alive with enemy troops and some light armour

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