Brand spankin' new

Not quite new but ‘used with care’ since 1938. My work job was tower and approach controller with the FAA and recreational flying was one of my activities. Now that I’m on the back side of life’s power curve, I look to Flight Sim for entertainment and a fair amount of nostalgia. Looking forward to some good give and take on this forum.


I’m not sure dirt is even that old! :wink:

You’ve found the right place in my humble opinion. Welcome, from a former ‘Scope Monkey’, ‘Tower Flower’. Smooth Rides!

Welcome aboard @olderndirt !

Welcome, @olderndirt !

Welcome to Mudspike @olderndirt. :sunglasses:


G’Day and welcome to one of the last bastions of sanity and reason on the Internet.


Hey @olderndirt! Welcome to Mudspike :slightly_smiling_face:

Welcome to mudspike! Nice to have you @olderndirt!

Welcome aboard old man! 1938 eh? Great vintage! I dare say you are our senior member now :slight_smile:

Welcome to Mudspike!

Welcome to the forum @olderndirt !
Great to have you!

Welcome @olderndirt! There’s some great folks here. Where were you based?

Welcome. Great crowd here.

Welcome also from me @olderndirt!

Welcome @olderndirt! I bet that you have stories. It would be an pleasure to fly with you online if you feel so inclined.

No doubt. All of our excuses just were invalidated.


Welcome aboard and have big time fun!!!

Hi there @olderndirt welcome to the asylum :smiley:

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What places did you work? I came out of Alaska FSS’s in '69 and started ATC at Juneau VFR tower.

Well, i will vouch for 1938. Seen a lot of this world and i think we 1938 guys are very lucky to have lived in that era. As far as i am concerned it was the best of times


My birthday is/was May 22 - in Edinburgh Scotland. Started off during a war but must admit it was different and us Brits were all on the same page - historically unusual.