© Victor Hubinon
Many aviation comicbook artists prefer to draw the Grumman F9F-2 Panther (probably because of the very beautiful design). Also in “Buck Danny”, with artists like Victor Hubinon, Francis Bergèse and Jean-Michel Arroyo.
A F9F-2 Panther collage from several Buck Danny (main series) and Buck Danny Classic (spin-off) albums; artists Vic Hubinon en J.-M. Arroyo.
Both the Grumman F9F-2 Panther as well as the Grumman F9F-6 Cougar had their debut in “Buck Danny” Volume 13 “An airplane is missing” from 1954. The cover-art of Buck Danny #13 by the late Victor Hubinon shows the Panther and the Cougar:
Below a collection of F9F-2 Panther drawings from a lot of Buck Danny albums (main series) by Victor Hubinon (the colourist by the way coloured the fuel tanks always red, but I never could find images of a F9F-2 Panther with red tanks; only a F9F-2P has fuel tanks in the same colour as the jet, in album #13):
Above: a small curiosity: a drawing on page 27 from album #18 (1956) was in 1961 re-used in mirror on the back cover of volume 24 from 1961. The Italians liked this drawing and used it in 1978 for an album cover; a publisher used this drawing in a promo, and finally in 2020 volume 2 of the 2-part spin-off Buck Danny ~ Short Stories has also this drawing by Victor Hubinon, this time coloured by Ketty Formaggio, who als colours the Buck Danny Classic spin-off albums.
This time F2F-2 Panthers with no red fuel tanks. Probably another colourist. In the album the Panthers have red fuel tanks though.
F9F-2 Panther from Buck Danny Classic #2 (artist Jean-Michel Arroyo):
© Francis Bergèse (concept)
© Victor Hubinon
The Grumman F9F-2P photo-reconnaissance version (from Buck Danny #13, page 01A, 1954):
The Grumman F9F-8P photo-reconnaissance version (from Buck Danny #21 (“A prototype has disappeared” from 1960):
Grumman F9F-6 Cougar:
During many decades this design with F9F-6 Cougars was the standard back-cover of the French and Dutch language Buck Danny albums:
For the first time at volume 20 from 1959. However, the list with albums was never complete, and not a single album had a number. In the late 70s there came a new design and the albums are numbered since.
From Buck Danny #17 (1958)