Buckle up!

Depends. Do you ever plan to have your simpit dropped from 50 feet straight onto its nose with you strapped into it?

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I have no such plans, no… But it’s situated on the second floor, and we live on a slope.
Can’t be too careful! :wink:

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I don’t see an FAA Part Number stamped on that bolt Mister!


And all of a sudden I’m totally out-nerded…! :astonished:


I’m just saying what @TheAlmightySnark was about to say… :wink:


Just grab some AN/MS/NAS bolts from work, surely there’s a box with leftovers somewhere? If not, there must be a few extra they can spare on those dashes :wink:

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Our techies never show us this box…
Bad for morale, I suppose. Or they know we are thieving cleptomaniacs who would sell it on ebay.

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A couple of flights in DCS and IL-2, with my new harness…
What can I say…?
It does restrict movement, which of course was expected. It adds realism, and adds to the immersion.

I guess Troll approves!

Yes, I’ll go join @BeachAV8R’s 2018 Health & Fitness thread now…


I’m waiting for the first time you forget you’re strapped in and you go to get out of your pit…


Will probably coincide with my daughter yelling «DAD! There’s a fire in the kitchen» or something similar :wink:

I’m imagining a hilarious VR Simpit Egress Procedure stencil for the side of the pit in big block letters.

*1. Place hand on known reference point.
*2. VR Headset - Remove.
*3. Harness - Release.
*4. Exit simulator.
5. Recover dignity.


That will really help…in VR… :wink:


@komemiute someone needs a bespoke cockpit with the above warning displayed :slight_smile:

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Just rig a handle in the pit to a fire bottle in the kitchen… problem solved lol


could be worse



That scene gets me everytime…!

LMAO you guys! I have enough problems with my neck. I nearly broke it last night while in a Korean war DF. I had to take some ibuprofen For Real.
While we are joking, I tried to block the sun with my hand in VR. I just had to laugh at myself.


Been there, done that… :wink:

Yes, VR flying is a much more physical experience than with a monitor and TrackIR.

I was on the IL2 “Berloga” air quake server yesterday and made myself sore twisting around. I mean letting go of the throttle, bracing against the armrest and REALLY twisting. (VR is a pretty good nerd workout!). There is no way I could do that wearing a six-point. In aerobatics, the shoulder harnesses are kept loose except for takeoff, landing or known pending crash. Kept tight, they can really damage your spine. In jets I suppose they do it much differently since you’d just be a rag doll during ejection. I have no idea how those guys keep their six in check.

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They’re usually strapped to the chute harness and the chute is linked to the seat with a reel at shoulder height. They can lean forward some, but the reel mechanism will pull the chute (with the pilot in it) back into the seat when ejecting.

I guess you do aerobatics with a chute? But also strap into the seat harness?

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