Why ask me…?
Oh…that’s right.
Does the Viggen work with the Supercarrier?
If killing one is working with one, then why yes it does
It most certainly do!
Although, not safely…
Do you have a minute to talk about our lord and saviour, the Rb15 Anti Shipping Missile?
That is very un politically correct. It should be “Marine Battlespace Denial”.
Can you do that, Havn’t had the game very long (complete newbie) .
Its very much a toy box. How and what you do with the pieces is entirely up to the mission designer.
So, given the DCS sale at the moment and all that jazz, is the Supercarrier module worth it?
Yes, it brings a little life to DCS.
You also get to have @Victork2 play LSO, which is a surefire recipe for golden moments. That alone makes it worth every penny.
ROFL! Brilliant.
I will activate for the two free weeks first - but I think it’s a no brainer. Having the F-14, Supercarrier is a must.
Especially when the A-6 will drop.
I would literally rather do this than fly. I’ve been practising now as well. “Ahh ssaaandd like an Amurrrcan sailor naw”
I can’t imagine life DCS before it.
Ok, now - that’s a powerful statement…
Ahaaha let’s set a date so we can all get our navy puke on. Would be fun if late in the night someone like Ted comes in and laugh at our attempts at murrican accents