Could be interesting?
Wasn’t some other turboprop trainer announced a while back?
Yes Razbam has said that they are working on the Embraer (Super?) Tucano. Haven’t heard about that one in a while though followed it closely.
Razbam Facebook page is very active.
Sign me up! I love this plane. I spent so many hours flying the Iris PC-9/A in FSX and P3D - even for Air Hauler stuff! Even better in VR. 1st day purchase for me - even with the lousy exchange rate.
Maybe I’m not getting all their updates…? Facebook interest algorithms puzzles me.
I went and had a look at their FB page and the last news on their Tucano was almost two years old and the last post was late january.
Have I botched a notification setting or doesn’t Zuckerberg think I need to know everything about Razbam…?
With the inevitable Roulettes skin, for sure!
I don’t know. As fun as they are, for multiplayer with a group it’s damn hard to convince anyone to buy a trainer when multicrew barely works and is often broken by new updates, and most people have basic proficiency in flying by the time they start playing online seriously.
That’s clearly the bias of my use-case talking… but I still think we need a free multicrew trainer (T-45 is where it’s at for me at the moment).
I agree with the free multicrew trainer thing. part of the base game with Su25T and TF51 would be great.
lets say L39 ?