
I’ve been trying out cheeses from different countries recently since I have an excellent store in my neighborhood which specializes in foreign cheeses. These are a few which I have tried recently:

Appenzeller - Switzerland Loved it

Double Glouchester - UK Loved it.

Camembert - France Not a big fan of the outer rind but the rest of the cheese is fantastic.

Anyway, I plan on trying a few more new cheeses in the near future.


If you want a unique experience, try Mainzer Handkäse :smiley:
Mainzer Käse – Wikipedia Not sure there’s an English version of the article.

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lol, classic.

Have you tried Brie? similar to Camembert but a higher milk fat content. Creamier texture and milder flavour. I find the rind isn’t as bitter.

Pairs well with chicken for cooking:

My take on the classic tarragon chicken recipe is to take a skinless chicken breast, cut a deep pocket in the meat, stuff it with brie and (fresh) tarragon, wrap with prosciutto and then bake until cooked to your liking.

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Yes I’ve had Brie and it’s the same as with Camembert. I don’t care for the outer rind but I love the rest of it!

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I’ve never heard of Wensleydale cheese so I looked it up. It has quite an interesting history behind it.


Not that I need an excuse to consume excessive amounts of cheese :innocent:


This is a great thread. I probably eat way more cheese than is good for me.

I know it isn’t to everyone’s taste, well they taste fine but a lot of folks can’t get past the smell, but I am rather partial to a good Stilton (or most blue cheeses).

Once again, good to cook with. I have a killer blue cheese cauliflower gratin recipe if anyone is interested… all the flavour, no smell.


There’s a type of Cheddar that’s popular where I am at the moment, usually sold as “sharp and crumbly vintage cheddar” or words to that effect.

The Mersey Valley dairy in Tasmania makes a particularly good one…


I don’t know if you want to publish the recipe in the main thread or not, but a blue cheese cauliflower gratin sounds amazing!

Hmmm, I do like a sharp, vintage cheddar. Believe it or not Aldi sell one that is quite good.

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PM sent. happy to share here if there is interest.

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The best part about living in my neck of the woods. THIS is my Mecca:

For those willing to part with shipping, I can attest they are fantastic cheeses.


Looks like they make a good provolone, yum.

I actually prefer that on a pizza to mozzarella… Sorry @komemiute


I recommend to try the following cheeses for variety:

  • Gorgonzola (Italian blue cheese)
    Gorgonzola - Wikipedia

  • Gudbrandsdalsost (or other Norwegian brown cheese. Cow and goat milk, with caramelization. I enjoy it now and then, but it has a special taste to it.)
    Norwegian wiki: Gudbrandsdalsost – Wikipedia

  • Tilsiter (invented in East Prussia, today a part of Russia, by Swiss people. A semihard, versatile cheese with a good but not too strong taste)
    Tilsit cheese - Wikipedia


I love cheese

Apart from the already mentioned ones I quite like

  • Comté - my French colleague gets us a big piece of it whenever he visits home.
  • Buffalo Mozzarella - it does have a stronger taste than regular mozzarella - put slices of it on a plate with sliced tomatoes, fresh onion rings and fresh basil leaves, add some black pepper, balsamic vinegar and please not the watered down stuff. Some people also like to add olive oil, I prefer it without.
  • Scamorza affumicata - smoked Italian cheese, absolutely delicious.
  • Pecorino - hard cheese from sheep’s milk. Lovely with spaghetti.
  • Sometimes I simply like a young Gouda, my French colleague once said to me “Gouda? Aber das ist doch Plastik!?” (but that’s plastic) - imagine it said with a French accent, it’s hilarious. He’s married to a a German and to his dismay she and his children do prefer “plastic” cheese😂

Look, I know I am italian, but truth be told in matter of taste I am not usually critical.
I do believe everyone has a different way to experience things in life- especially food.

I do enjoy all sorts of stuff on my pizza, or food more in general, I just don’t do too well mixing sweet and savory all that much.
For some things it works wonder- like one of those tasting events with a dozen cheese paired with mustards or honeys or marmelades… That stuff is literally heaven.
You know- It’s a me thing. :smiley:

EDIT: as a side note- I love LITERALLY everycheese.
I only ever met once a cheese I couldn’t eat- and I would argue most of you here wouldn’t enjoy it too much either…

Here- find all about it.




