Combat Air Patrol 2 news

More sim developers is a good thing. I’m honestly surprised this is happening now, but I guess the new MPS is looking for places to go and this half-finished project is still 50% further along than most other ideas right now…


Still feels like a tech demo though. Lets hope with MPS backing it will be fleshed out to a working state.


So I had a play, and I think I’m missing something. The “use VR hand controllers to control your pilot’s hands” thing works, and interactions with the cockpit seem to work well, better than in DCS anyway.

But I can’t get my throttle to work in flight. It is bound normally, and I think I’ve turned off the “use VR hand controllers for flight controls” options? Or is there a separate one for the throttle?

I’m still unconvinced this “VR hand” thing is a better way than my trackball that sits right next to my throttle…

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I don’t have VR but seen similar issue reoprted on the Steam forums, seems like you need to “grab” the throttle with some input for the throttle to start working.


Ah OK.

That’s kinda difficult as my actual throttle is in the way!

They dropped an update today that allegedly addresses the issue. Haven’t had a chance to test yet

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funny, had an imression from Ed like ‘they asked me to finish it so I am doing it, stay tuned’, lol

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Yeah…that description by the developer…sounds very ambitious.


Does the aircraft still have a roll inertia like it has a city bus on each wing?

Last time I played it, you really had to lead the roll out or you’d spend all day in wing rock. :laughing:

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Yeah, the flight model is still questionable. In fact I think even the one in Tiny Combat Arena is more realistic and actually really enjoyable to fly.


Also after spending some time with the new update I noticed some things actually degraded - like now there is no way to use your mouse cursor to actually interact with the cockpit switches/buttons. The way it works now is that you have a dot in the centre of the screen that acts as your “action point”, it’s completely separate from your mouse cursor but it’s the “thing that you click with” when you press your mouse button. I don’t know if this has something to do with implementation of VR or gamepad controls, but playing with HOTAS and TIR this way is really annoying.


Yeah, I feel like the VR hands - though well implemented for what they are - turn out to be a boondoggle which is hurting the playability of the sim.

I’ve had a trackball next to my left knee for years. I don’t even feel like I’m reaching for the mouse any more!

I have a love-hate relationship with CAP2. I install it and enjoy the changes, but spend too much time trying to get it to work correctly. Eventually, I uninstall it our of frustration. A different issue pops up with each new iteration. This time the sim runs fine on a monitor but now it will not work correctly in VR. It stays in UI configuration instead of dropping me into the cockpit. It’s more like watching a movie than flying. I’m hoping I’m missing a toggle or something stupid.