Consecutive post limitation

Just ran across this limitation for posting in threads when I tried to post in the IL-2 Box Screens thread a few minutes ago.


Even though the consecutive posts were spread across an eleven day period with two of the three posts earning nice post! badges I am not complaining about the limitation. Imo it does make sense but I am bringing the limitation to everyone’s attention so that they may consider posting a reply in addition to using the like button, especially if you see a poster has submitted consecutive replies in the thread you are reading.


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Ya. For threads like that and AAR threads (like my ck3) even a quick interjection serves to allow further posting. Its funny you brought this up. I was seeing it coming but didn’t want to ask people to post haha… Didn’t want to seem like I was begging for attention :yum:

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As you can see, I have no such inhibitions. icon_mrgreen


This is meant to prevent spamming a post. I have increased the limit a smidgen.


I understood why the limitation was imposed and had no problems with it @Fridge. This thread was strictly an FYI to let everyone else know of its existence and to prompt people to post a little more frequently if they are liking the content being submitted. :sunglasses:


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Maybe you could have a nice, quick and friendly discussion with our big-time friend @Discobot to circumvent this limitation if you ever ran into it again in something like an AAR or screenshot thread? :thinking:


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Now that is a unique and quite likely workable solution. :+1:



I first noticed in in my NFL thread.
The Discobot solution is nice! :smiley:

@Discobot fortune
You still alive???

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

@discobot display help

I think it wants that capital F!

@discobot Fortune

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:crystal_ball: My reply is no

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Edit: OK since I just liked a post of Discobot I wonder: @mods out of curiosity, can I get a statistic about Discobot? Example: who gave him the most likes?

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Thanks! Huh. I never considered looking at his profile… :smiley:

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