Very early look at an in-progress Vr Game
Well, it’s out and getting some positive reviews! Might be something to take a glance at, for you combat VR fans.
Only Meta headsets, right?
Appears so.
Do you know if it works on a standalone Q3…? Would be really cool to have as a travel flightsim.
Hmm, everything seems to use the GM2 reticle… the one type that no plane featured in the game actually uses
But rivet-counting nitpicks aside, that looks like it might be fun!
Everything I can find out says its standalone on the headset
The graphics remind me of a cross between Wings of Prey and Mig Alley… I think it’s good for VR, not too high res and not too demanding but still something that harkens back to those more classic and accessible sims
Yes - standalone. Quest 2, 3, 3s and probably Pico soon.
For now, yes. We will probably support Pico soon as well.
How does it run on the Q2? If you guys offer a demo option I’ll give it a go on my Q2.
It maintains 72 FPS on Quest 2, and 90 on Quest 3, even with the detail level turned up a bit. We really optimized and designed this specifically for Quest. Unfortunately we do not have a demo version, but I do have a 20% off code if you decide to give it a try: TAKEFLIGHT-7D63B1 If you check YouTube, a bunch of videos are popping up that give you a good overview of the game.
Very kind of you to give us a discount @DawnOfJets . I just picked up the game. I have just done a quick free-flight hop in the T-33. I love the cockpit interaction… very similar to VTOL-VR, but with steam gauges, more buttons, levers and switches.
So I went through the initial T-33 “campaign” (ie tutorial), and got through my check ride in the F-84 (I think it was the Thunderjet, but whatever the next jet is).
The flight modeling is more Crimson Skies than DCS, but honestly that’s what I was expecting. It works just fine and tossing the jet around the sky feels good. On the Q2, ran great, no stutters or hiccups at all. As @PaulRix said above, steam gauges, switches, etc. It feels good to turn in on final and have to move a bunch of things to get setup for landing.
Overall, a pleasant flight experience that harkens back to the older “golden age sims” in terms of complexity. I’d love to see a flight model upgrade, but I get why it’s a bit lighter for the general gaming public. Additionally, having an option like VTOL VR to toggle “grabbing the stick/throttle” versus having to hold the grip button down would be nice.
Cool! Tempted to get a Q3 just for this. Perfect VR travel kit…
Hey @PaulRix, as the BI in charge, you do see that this young man needs some assistance, don’t you?