What? I’m sorry. Did he say something after “free”?
John Lee reading the books of my favourite author Peter F Hamilton is audible perfection. Many miles have been travelled listening to his amazing voice.
Free, free free free free.
Finally get to try the m2000
I would buy pretty much anything from that voice. Wow.
I only got to spend about an hour with the Mirage earlier this month, not enough time to get a feel for it, and I missed the MiG-15 all together. Plus the MiG-19 wasn’t included.
Those 3 are the only ones I don’t have that I’m still considering getting, so woo! Or something.
Time to try la baguette, I suppose?
(and the F-5!)
Thank you, ED.
Wow! That was indeed a incredible voice.
April 17th, 2020
Dear fighter pilots, partners and friends,
The global spread of COVID-19 is affecting every single one of us. We are a people-first company, and we believe that technology can change lives and give hope. To study the virus, protect the vulnerable and beat this thing requires that we all play a part. We want to update you about what we’re doing.
Last month we gave the opportunity for all to try and test our products for a two day period at a time. This was well received and a total of over 200 thousand modules and trials were downloaded during this free event.
In view of last months response, we are pleased to announce our upcoming Free For All event, starting April 19th, where you are welcome to try any and all our products (except campaigns) for free and without limitation for one month. This unlimited access to all our suite of products, including our top fighter jets, such as the F-16C, F/A-18C and A-10C Warthog will help take your mind off things for a while, giving you the opportunity to try something new, and to own it for 50% or less than the normal price.*
We know that this is a small contribution to your personal lives but we hope that you will take full advantage of the offer and help the time fly by. In addition to this, we will be donating 10% of our net turnover generated during the event to Children First, a foundation that we have become very involved with for the past few years. This organisation supports the work of an amazing Dr Stefano Scaringella, a Capucin Priest and surgeon who has dedicated the past 40 years of his life to saving children and to promoting health in Madagascar, one of the poorest nations in the world. Please check this out, they too are hit badly and need all the help in the world: www.childrenfirst.fund
Thank you for your passion and support and stay safe.
Yours sincerely,
The Eagle Dynamics Team
I want Nick Grey as my Permanent RIO
There is a new box in graphic options to give more slaa iirc. What does it do. I tried a custom profile and changed some stuff to try. Low terrain textures adding the 2 boxes for?? AA and tweaking other stuff like shadows off. It’s hard to tell the difference. Any thoughts or ideas
I think we need Digital Foundry to make an episode about DCS World.
How is everyone’s frame rates after the update?
A bit better, not a whole lot different.
Slightly better but I also had occasions where it utterly sucked again.
About this… Thanks to our chat last night about the game performances I had an absolute revelation!
Apparently the moron who set up my PC (erhm, me ) did a clamorous mistake.
I arrived to the solution thinking back to what we talked about - RAM memory, GPUs, CPUs and Hard Disks.
I noticed that when I closed DCS, along with the Operating System the game resides on my main SSD an 512GB 850 EVO, there was a LOT of mechanical HDD furious working.
It made little sense to me…
The task manager confirmed that a lot of the work my PC was doing was unloading RAM that DCS took up and… DUN DUN DUUUUUN a page file.
Basically while everything ran from the SSD, moron me somehow set up the page file on the only mechanical HDD I had.
That’s why I was having such a bad time swapping between F2 views, F10 map view, and cockpit.
The whole thing was going crazy swapping whatever between RAM, SSD and HDD.
As soon as I killed that page file and set up a new one (min size 16GB, max size 32)… Dude… DCS was flying! If you pardon the pun.
I took up a short flight on the 109 and lo and behold! No more stuttering.
I could flop between views and map and lose no more than a single frame or two.
I did pummel my head a bit, to rightfully punish myself…
Can’t wait to fly again tonight!
Terrible. If I’m lucky, 30s. With traffic, 15-19.
All M/P of course.
I never really saw a drop. Last night with new update the same as ever. A sold minimum 45fps in VR. And that’s with a 1080 (not even a P)
Same here. Same VCard too (8gb Vram). 32Gb system Ram, CPU 6700k @ 4.4mhz. IOW, no changes but I do scale the frills down somewhat. Kinda Medium level I’d say.