From what I understand from the official forums, the lever is on the correct side for a Russian aircraft of the modern generation, but the water flow strength on initial flush isn’t correct. Total volume of water appears to be a few liters lower than spec, and the flow rate seems to be much higher than one would expect with a lower total volume.
Clogs and the resultant backups do seem to be modeled in all their glory and the requisite cockpit indicators and warning lights are there as well.The test flush makes a satisfying sound during cold starts as well. Here’s to hoping they get the water flow issues patched before it comes out of beta.
Been working on my A2A skills in the F-15C using the instant action mission. Today I was able to clear the sky of all hostile fighters, but lost an engine in the process. Still managed to limp back for a landing.
Also - I have to admit, I’m using labels for dogfighting. Just too hard to see the bad guys otherwise…