DCS 2.5.X Screenshots (2018)

The recovery was much more exciting then that launch. Deck fouling and all…


Better roll rate/low alt performance in exchange for worse high-alt performance.

My rule-of-thumb is to fly a clipped wing against a fighter and a standard wing against a bomber…if you have that choice, of course.

Quick hop with TigersharkBAS from the ED forums, to try out his very retro VFA-195 “Dambusters” 25yrs in Atsugi skin pack.

The level of detail he’s gone into is really amazing and it’s been a real labour of love. The pack, and the story behind it can be found here:



It was a dark and rainy night…

This night went to night school, teacher marked her absent.

Hint of dawn, also bears

Topping off before the hunt

SunKist chemtrails. Taste the flavor.

Fox 2!

Ded Bear




RAID or EXP or AACQ would be real nice right about now.


OH ■■■■

Uh, we got this, right boys?

Right boys?

Smug bastards.


Shots are fabulous and all but could we get some nitty gritty combat vids complete with comms up in here? :smiley:

I can start putting out more of that. Bare in mind however, that exempting that first shot this was me and the AI testing out a script I wrote in February. Comms would be limited to me belting out Camp Cope with an atrocious facsimile of an Aussie accent.

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@boomerang10, @AeroMechanical, and myself. I’ll let you guess who’s who :smiley:


Am I still attached to the 3 wire?




Here is a shot of virtual me (Mig-21 pilot) standing next to my first actual mission kill.:sunglasses:

A very proud moment for me (blinking away a tear).


The Improved Mig-21 with wing mounted afterburners!

Dang ZSU-23-4…I really need to set up a better Chaff button.


Or that Heatblur F-14 with AAM-54s!

I find it’s best not to think about what I cannot yet have.

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I thought the F-18 had AACQ on it? At least I swear I’ve seen videos of it in use in DCS… :thinking:


Tooling about with the Harrier last night, wanted to see what buildings could support it.

Hunted around a larger city…

Found an apartment building, but geometry is odd – I’m about 2 feet off the surface!


Did you get into trouble with the city council?

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Real world Night trap SOP (after coming out of Mil Power) is some thing like this

  • Lights - Master Lights Off (else you get an ugly “Lights On Deck!” call from the Boss)
  • Hook - Wait for the roll back then hook up (allows the wire to be pulled back into battery)
  • Goose the power and Right turn out of the landing area (follow Handler’s hand signals)

I know FSX doesn’t simulate how to properly raise the hook - the little pull back on every trap that detaches the hook from the wire so it can be raised. Does DCS? If so, cool. If not, understandable why you took the 3 wire with you.

So three “issues” I see with this trap: 1) the aforementioned taking the 3 wire for a ride. 2) Lights on deck. 3) Not clear of the landing area - Tail across the foul line=foul deck…

…and there seems to be some type of fire on the jet…a bad place to have a fire since you are just a couple frames aft of “Flag Country”…us staff bubbas get mighty ornery when a commotion on deck distracts us from a nice quiet after-dinner game of cribbage in the Flag Mess…just say’n. :sunglasses:


Very Cool! Are all DCS world buildings theoretically capable of being landed on? If so, I’ve got some exploring to do with my Mi-8!