Count me among the boomers
Conn, sonar! Crazy Ivan to starboard!
Looks like SRS is about to go the way of the dinosaur. So long old friend…
There is always IL2 if you miss it.
you mean like…
This important update will include substantial work to DCS: AJS-37 Viggen
I hope ED can make their internal version as good as SRS in terms of functionality and sound effects. I’m also curious how they’ll work it into the FC3 aircraft that don’t have interactive radios.
Per Cobra8472 (Heatblur) on reddit
Changelog preview:
NEW: Added DCS VOIP functionality to FR22 and FR24 radios.
NEW: Added new Pilot seat harness for in-cockpit pilot, properly attaching the pilot to the ejection seat.
NEW: Gauge dynamics improvements - gauges now move smoothly to their new positions as in other Heatblur aircraft.
Introduced dynamic fuel gauge animation, the gauge needles will no longer teleport.
Introduced dynamic compassring heading animation.
NEW: Placeable static objects are now showing on the ground radar.
Remastered canopy texture, improving detail and resolution.
Remastered textures of rear cockpit bulkhead wall.
Added normal maps and improved texture detail for seat cushions.
Added normal maps and improved texture detail for seat harness and restraining systems.
Added new canopy sealant textures improving transition between glass and canopy.
Fixed DCS freeze on Flight Data Unit and Main Pitot failure.
Fixed DCS freeze when doing loops with the aircraft.
Fixed radar causing an FPS drop in the 60km and 120km modes.
Creating a popup point and assigning it to a waypoint will now mark it as a target waypoint.
The radar marker can be moved in both axes independently now.
Radar marker movement is restricted to the visible area only.
Waypoints defined as mission targets now show as “90000” when selected using TAKT/OUT.
Destination indicator for popup points is now a red “U”.
Data loading is possible only when a cartridge is inserted.
Unsafing trigger while in ANF PLAN no longer makes bombs unable to fire if mode is switched to NAV.
Corrected the radar in memory mode - the picture now freezes for 30s.
Toggling safety now allows Rb75s to be cycled.
Sidewinders and Rb75s can now be cycled using the IR/RB FRAMMSTEGN button.
Weapons can no longer be fired as normal on the ground; however:
safety bypass button implemented in the back-right of the cockpit; pressing this button allows weapons to be fired on ground.
Post-DYK bombing steering order cue on HUD now displays correctly in ANF mode.
Air-to-air radar no longer picks up dropped bombs.
RUTA waypoints now show as R# rather than M# on the destination indicator.
Measured targets now show a red M# on the destination indicator.
Releasing the fix trigger from the TV position to the T0 position after a successful type 2 fix now displays the longitude and latitude of the target.
The RENSA button can now be used to remove measured or tracked target fixes.
P4 chaff release program in slow streak release will empty the right pod before the left one is used. It will last 960 instead of 480 seconds.
Countermeasures should reset to the set amount upon rearm now.
Radar Memory Mode will now turn off once Terrain Avoidance Mode is activated.
Empty sidewinder pylons no longer reduce drag.
Fixed parking brake engaging.
External tanks are now filled upon refill/rearm ground crew command.
Landing gear extension/retraction is now restricted for low rpm and high airspeeds.
Landing gear damage is registered as a fault now; it is possible to have it triggered by the failure list in the mission editor.
Autothrottle now disengages after the throttle is moved considerably.
External tanks won’t drop when the aircraft is on the ground now.
Trim can be reset now by cycling the TRIMSYST circuit breaker after emergency trim was used.
Wheel damage arguments corrected (wheels should now display damage correctly).
Engine RPM displayed on gauge and external GUI now match.
ASI Indexer knob and marker now functional.
Fixed too large ADI drift - now it is about 1 degree per hour.
Improved autopilot modes disengagement logic.
Fixed an issue where SPAK would need to be pressed after automatic engagement during startup.
Striped fuel-required needle now shows fuel required to reach the final mission waypoint (from current position) when in SPA mode.
Magnetic declination knob no longer clickable through the flip cover; expanded clickable area for the cover and fixed keybinds for toggling the flip cover.
Marker added to the magnetic declination adjustment knob to illustrate its position.
The AFK lever must be cycled now before autothrottle is reengaged after automatic disconnection (it was possible to re-engage without cycling through a keybind).
CK 37 Rensa button is no longer clickable through the cover (button was not effective through the cover, but the sound and animation was played.)
Fixed an issue where the high-pressure fuel valve would be set incorrectly during automatic start.
Corrected altitude readings on the main altimeter.
Pressure correction has been reworked in main and standby altimeters.
Altimeter knob can now be pulled in the cockpit.
ADI vertical speed indicator has been corrected, it shows accurate values now.
Airspeed indicators show accurate values now.
Fixed the cabin pressure indicator needle.
Extended the cabin pressurization model.
Extended the oxygen use model.
Corrected the effect of the oxygen flow valve.
Corrected the SYRGAS warning light - now lights up when the oxygen flow is closed.
Fixed RESERVEFF warning light operation.
Fixed LANDSTÄLL warning light operation.
STD flag added to altimeter.
Markers added to the right of the large altimeter roller.
Max G needle has been fixed.
Fixed vertical accelerometer, it’s displaying accurate values now.
Radio base/channel selectors do not skip values anymore.
Radio frequency selectors have corrected labels and functionality.
Fixed an issue where two clicks were needed to change the FR22 radio frequency with controller bindings.
Radio volume knob is now functional; also using the hotkeys to change radio volume results in the volume knob moving, so there’s no disconnect between volume and knob position.
FR-22 Grupp and Bas dials expanded to match their real-life counterparts.
Each group selected via the FR-22 Grupp function now corresponds to a radio channel that can be defined in the mission editor (or at least, groups 100 to 139 do):
This means 40 more custom radio channels for the Viggen that will hopefully be more intuitive to use than the old group system.
The channels all show up in the kneeboard and use the common DCS channel presets as default.
Important note: Because channels Special 1-3 and EFGH have been left untouched in order to not break existing mission presets, some missions might have to update player/client aircraft to make the presets show correctly: Click on the player/client aircraft, cycle to AI and back to player/client, then resave the mission.
FR22 buttons and knobs can no longer be double-pressed (i.e. if the A/G button has been depressed, clicking it again will have no effect).
Fixed the initialization of the FR24 Mode Selector. Guard frequency is now audible already at spawn in the NORM + LARM position.
Kneeboard now has additional pages, allowing up to 75 airbases to be listed.
Kneeboard page order has been revised; it’s now:
2. Radio channels
3. Ground Crew/Cartridge page
4. Airbase list
5. Reference points
6. Elint
Kneeboards now use a typewritten font; font size and spacing has been increased for readability.
Kneeboard waypoint pages now have enough spaces for waypoints B0 through B9, with enough room at the end for L1 and L2.
Kneeboard airbase list and reference point pages have been condensed down to one page each; however, they both have multiple subpages, which can be accessed using RShift + PgUp and RShift + PgDn.
The following keyboard commands have been added to the ground crew kneeboard page:
Cycle Left RB04 Group Target.
Cycle Right RB04 Group Target.
Toggle Left RB04 Jump Angle.
Toggle Right RB04 Jump Angle.
Cycle Safety Height.
Synchronized interior and exterior canopy animations and state.
Radar stick is now animated.
Added properly downward facing landing light.
Cockpit innards are no longer visible from external view when looking around in VR.
Fixed lights initialization on hot ground start - now dependent on outside illumination.
TIPPVÄXEL switch labels fixed.
Fixed selected binding labels (FR22, Altimeter).
Fixed FR24 selector tooltip.
EP-13 tube model attachment fixed.
Rollers in the cockpit now roll in the correct direction; rollers have been adjusted to no longer clip through their neighbouring rollers.
Fixed inverted lighting argument on ADI rim - now illuminates together with rest of ADI.
Improved appearance of SPAK ATT and HOJD lens flares.
Removed lens flare from Radar screen.
Added missing pipes behind the ejection seat.
Fixed several normal mapping errors on the canopy causing inconsistent lighting at UV seams.
Fixed skewed polygon near left warning panels.
Fixed stretched textures on upper ejection seat headrest.
Fixed z-fighting on cable retention brackets.
Improved geometric smoothness and detail of some ejection seat elements.
Oil pressure and fuel director warning light up properly during startup sequence.
Hydraulic pump failures light up proper warning lights now.
Display textures for the navigation data panel and the destination indicator upgraded for better readability (using a texture developed by MYSE1234 for his enhanced Viggen textures mod - Thank you!)
Corrected typo in HYDRA-TR1 and HYDRA-TR2 warning lights.
Navigation Datapanel numbers adjusted in size and made more readable.
Destination Indicator text larger and centralized.
Added clickables and animations for the missing Radarstick controls:
Memory Button
Mode Selector
Range Selector
Antenna Elevation Axis
Terrain Avoidance Button
Fixed Autopilot Yaw Trim cover.
Fixed Exhaust Nozzle Indicator- now the needle moves within specific afterburner stages.
Recompressed several cockpit textures, especially those with dark colours and gradients with BC7 format for better compression and less artifacts.
Optimized sizes and formats for several textures on the in-cockpit pilot for lowered VRAM usage.
Fixed all night lighting textures for appropriate linear gamma shader changes.
Added input bindings for landing lights.
Added toggle keybind for the trigger safety bracket.
Added instrument lights joystick and keyboard keybinds.
Added panel lights joystick axis and keyboard keybinds.
Added flood lights joystick axis and keyboard keybinds.
Fixed the inverted vertical radaraxis.
Removed duplicated magnetic declination binding.
Auto start and auto stop are now assignable as keybinds.
Fixed an issue where data cartridge and ejection seat lever needed to be clicked twice to re-engage.
Flip-covers for these controls now inhibit their manipulation:
Fixed toggle inputs of:
Doppler Land/Sea mode
Radio AM/FM
Gear handle
High-pressure fuel valve
Manual afterburner fuel regulator
Manual fuel regulator
Pitch gearing
Radar Altimeter Power
Slav SI Switch
TILS channel Layer selection
Limited movement of the following knobs:
HUD brightness
Radar brightness
EP-13 brightness
EP-13 contrast
Radar CI filter
Magnetic declination
Maintenance testing mode
Drysuit ventilation adjustment
Fixed several control knobs overturning:
Added a keybind for centering the Radar Elevation axis.
Added Weapon Interval Selector CW and CCW keybinds.
Added joystick axes for:
Radio Volume Knob
Master Volume/ Sidewinder Tone Knob
Airspeed Indexer Knob
Magnetic Declination Knob
EP-13 Brightness Knob
EP-13 Contract Knob
Radar Filter Knob
Radar Brightness Knob
HUD Brightness Knob
Added Radar Filter Increase/ Decrease keybinds.
Corrected Autopilot Yaw Trim Knob - it is moving properly now.
Seat Height Adjustment switch is now clickable in the cockpit.
Corrected Oxygen Lever keybind name, added a corresponding toggle.
Added missing keybind for fine altimeter set decrement.
Fixed Interior Lights ‘switch’ keybind, added a corresponding toggle.
Added Radar Gain (MKR) is now clickable from the cockpit.
Corrected existing Radar Gain keybinds and added a new one ‘Radar Gain Center’.
Added Autopilot Yaw Trim joystick axis.
Added Autopilot Yaw Trim cover keybinds.
Deleted old ‘Radar Night Filter’ axis and commands which were causing DCS to crash.
Cartridge selection now wraps both ways (i.e. if you accidentally go too far and overshoot your cartridge, ending up back at the start of the list, you can simply go back the other way).
Added more accurate RWR sounds with MYSE1234’s mod - Thank you!
Fixed the sound of the HUVUDWARNING button.
All this and apparently F-14 updates too.
(wow who knew you could max out the length of the blockquote feature lol)
Looks like a popup window and keybinds for the FC3 planes.
Much as I like SRS, it’ll be nice not to have to remember to launch a second program. Also it has the potential to give us options like the GD switches being properly modelled… I suppose what I’m really saying is that I think ED will more likely properly implement their features own code vs SRS…
Agreed, it’ll be nice to have it integrated into DCS itself.
Personally I would’ve liked to have seen them throw the SRS guys a bone and make SRS itself a DCS component, to me it’s a little silly to see third-party teams find a way to do really cool features (SRS, lotATC, etc) just to see ED take forever to do their own version and circumvent the mods that have already done it. But that’s my just my take on it.
That’s not a changelog! That’s a completely new module…!
The Viggan getting well deserved love is awesome to see. I have been doing a little light reading on it as I’m interested in flying the Campaign next after I’ve played through museum Relic again in the Sabre.
with my squad mate we had some fun yesterday in Harriers, actually I didn’t have that much fun in DCS in long time.
we first did some training flights from Tarawa on training server to figure out how to drop bombs, fire rockets and launch Sidewinders.
for live action I usually prefer colder war servers but there was none with suitable setup and population, too cold. so we then hoped on Growling Sidewinders modern server. fast movers were busy with other side fast movers so we were free to move some mud in a vicinity of red road blockade. it was located reasonably close to our home base and the ingress was via deep valleys. great action!
what a nimble CAS fighter the Harrier is down low.
anyway what I wanted to say is that there is FREE TRIAL live in DCS so if anyone wants to try any aircraft during holiday season just visit official DCS web page.
They had such a great success with the free trials that they made it a permanent thing. Every user gets every module for two weeks every six months. So you can always trial at your own convenience. Isn’t that great? I think it’s great.
free trials are dynamic to user,
You get a free trial every few months IIRC.
Another good event. Seems like the 'jocks themselves were getting into it pretty well too. Good fun, and a good cause.
The SRS developer released a statement last night regarding their 2.0 release. In that statement, they address the future of SRS.
Finally - I’ve had multiple tags all over the place to ask what is happening to SRS with ED’s new VoIP solution. In short nothing is happening to SRS, it’ll always be here, and i’ll work on it as long as it’s still used and people like it.
As I’ve said multiple times, they’ll each have their pros and cons - with a built in solution being no bad thing either. SRS currently has a rich ecosystem with STTS / External audio, EAM , Transponders with LotATC, MIDS, encryption audio effects and many other features. EDs version will likely have these added over the coming months as well but some features they may choose not to do, so each will have their own niche. See ARMA and TARS for a nice example of this.
Ultimately if SRS is fully replaced by EDs version, that’s no bad thing either as we’re all winners there too!
looks like the patch has been moved to tomorrow this is from Bignewy over at ED
Open Beta Public testing build
Currently version number: DCS Open Beta
Next update: Now Planned 23rd December 2021 ( Subject to change )
Thank you for your patience