I was one of them, I don’t know maybe 15 years ago I was still new to sims back then. The Su-25A is honestly exhilerating to fly with its very rudimentary PGMs and difficult to use laser aiming system, compared to lock-on tank busting with vikhrs.
totaly dont understand this move - free FC Su25A !? … but DCS plane set doesnt make sense anyway so no surprise here.
now new players will have the option to fly for free the 25A and 25T. why the hell would someone want to fly 25A when he can 25T !?
tbh, I prefer the A over the T. T-Frog has too much weight on the hips and is too slow.
It’s also not really a good platform for Vikhr.
Since we got the upengined A with the same engines as the T, it’s not representative of what was flying around Afghanistan in the 80s. The original A’s T/W ratio was more like what the T has.
So the T’s performance with the A’s cockpit/systems is the historical pairing.
With the 25, Mi-8, and Mi-24, we have a decent setup for 80s Afghan map. Fencers and Fitters would be nice, but don’t seem to be coming.
I don’t have Facebook but this link reads even without an account.
I think…
I’ll add a screenshot for clarity.
That’s exciting. I really admire OctopusG for what he’s able to do - most of these modules have teams of a dozen or more people working on them…
To be fair, there are no radars or sensors or guided weapons or any of that to suck up tons of hours.
While I would be surprised if the entire 3D model, inside and out, was built and had liveries done by just one person with no assistance/outsourcing, I can see how just one could handle the flight and damage model given sufficient time to do it.
Forget a 4th gen fighter, but WWII props have far fewer systems to code that make it possible to do. Also means fewer sales needed to turn a profit!
but still … I just hope that we will see the Corsair anytime soonish …
Still waiting here, too.
We’ve all been waiting years for a modern representation of a WWII carrier plane. Nothing since Il-2 Pacific Fighters. Now we’ve got DCS and Combat Pilot working on it, possibly whatever 1CGS does after Korea.
O Mi G
I can’t wait for the Phantom’s plaything to finally be in the sim… both to fly and to fly against!
And it looks like it’s going to be well done as well
I learned sometime in my life that less is sometimes more. Ok, MiG-15 to MiG-17… More is MORE. But when compared to the F-4 or F-105 and even the mighty Eagle, I think in a mano a mano, slow, guns only… A well crewed '17 will be LOTS of fun.
If you dont beleive it, try fighting the I-16 in the Thunderbolt. Less is Much More
I think trying to the tell the story of the Cold war without the MiG-17 is like trying to tell the invasion of Europe without the Stuka.
Bring on the FRESCO!
We should try Jugs against Ratas some time - that sounds like fun.
Actually it sounds like a challenge for the Jug pilot to keep visual as he blows through the circle and extends at 400mph before re-engaging in the vertical… unless we do it at angels 35, then I think I’d try turning with you?
Still, fun
Ill do anything WW2 as long as no Ratas and No Spitfires are involved. Them 2 are the Stealth Fighters of DCS. Too Soon?
There’s another fun contest - Rata vs Spitfire! You’d think the Spitfire has the advantage… but the Spit pilot has to fight the instinct to tighten the turn
Someone gonna be happy for this…
The real question is who will get there first with a decent WWII Pac sim? DCS, 1CGS, or Combat Pilot?
Right now, CP is closest as they have that limited alpha. DCS could leap ahead once they get this map, the asset pack, and at least 2 flyables for both Allies and Japan.
However, with Marianas + Asset Pack + 4 props, DCS will undoubtedly be vastly more expensive than CP’s first release.
So just as I’ve skipped the WWII Euro birds so far in DCS, I plan on skipping these as well for the foreseeable future. Too much upfront outlay to get a decent experience.
Now when the dynamic campaign comes out, if that works with the P-51D/Normandy 2.0/WWII Assets (which is all I currently have) I might consider giving it a shot and then possibly moving to the others later. For now, though, I plan on CP for my Pac fix. Still on wait-and-see for 1CGS’ offering.
After reading the newsletter, I do wonder if the enlarged scope of the pacific theatre is a response and an attempt to be first out the gate, with the combat pilot thing coming