DCS 2.9

I have only done the 3 week trial with the MB-339 and, being a fairly simple jet, it was plenty of time to get proficient with it…but, for the asking price, it didn’t seem good value for money. It is one of the very few modules that I haven’t purchased (yet).

I’m very tempted to pick up the KW, and the Chinook will most likely be joining my hangar collection.

Has anyone here opted to get a refund on the F15E yet?


Man, I hope that all gets sorted; I’ve put some time into that one (and the AV8). But, no, not yet. Not sure of the refund conditions actually.

No, as I’m still actively flying it!

I have, or at least I’m trying. I never flew it that much, not a tremendous fan of Razbam anymore, and with the chinook incoming? I might as well stock up the miles.

I have done the 2 week trial with:

F-16 (twice actually) haven’t bought it
JF-17 haven’t bought it
F-14 haven’t bought it
F-18 bought it
MiG-19 haven’t bought it
BF-109 haven’t bought it
FW-109 haven’t bought it
L-39 haven’t bought it
MB-339 bought it
Yak-52 haven’t bought it
Christen Eagle haven’t bought it

The F-16 I used to see how along it was, as I always have BMS if I want to fly a Flacon. The MB-339 I really enjoyed as a freeware module, so that was mainly to see how the conversion to payware had gone and to support the team (I’m also a sucker for tip tanks). The rest were largely a question of do I like the primary mission, do I like the systems, and do I see myself using it enough to make it worthwhile. I firmly admit to cracking open Chuck’s Guide and figuring out just enough to get into a 1v1 dogfight as my first step. I’ll learn procedures and the nuts and bolts if I decide to pull the trigger, I might as well spend the limited time I have doing the fun (for me at least) stuff. If I had a bigger budget, I’d probably own the jets, the WW2 birds are fun but the rest of DCS just doesn’t fit them.

The KW is a blast. Very good feeling of speed down low, great FM, and it can be a single seat gunship or a multicrew hunter killer. What’s not to like?

Far as the F-15E why would I get a refund? I paid my money for a license to utilize the software in whatever state it eventually gets to. I’ve never seen a formal EA agreement that spells out what the feature set will be in contractual language, I’ve only seen what amounts to marketing material which is legally not binding at all. Sure I’d love for it to continued to be developed, but it sure beats the pants of the old Microprose Sim’s even in it’s current condition.


Disagree, but alas… here we are.

Honestly, I don’t think there is a whole lot of market research going on over there. In the past 10 years what I have noticed of the company and its sycophants is the attitude that the customer is stupid, and the company is god. Just trying to convince people to drop the gatekeeping of “everything must be 100% realistic” over reasonable, logical issues like hardware differences and accessibility for people who aren’t peak athletes or fighter pilots, or playability over sterile one-off perfection, results in all kinds of arguments.


Why would either side give a refund without the issue being decided yet? Unless I missed something, which is entirely possible. But there hasn’t been a statement from either side regarding an end to their relationship, has there?

In other news, FC2024, Supercarrier, a new campaign, etc…

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That is a brilliant word that I hope worms its way into the lexicon as standard. Or maybe it already has and I am out of touch.


You would love Germany


Related to DCS 2.9, but probably off-topic: We’ve got an AI only MiG-21MF for DCS 2.9 on the table. Now the problem arises how to test this properly, so it fits player expectations, for example when it comes to flight performance characteristics.

The flight basics, take-off, cruise and landing without opposing planes look ok to me. For combat testing I use 4 MiG-21MF vs 4 F-4E and 4 F-8E, all AI veteran, at 2km, 5km, and 15km height. I watch those fights and see if anything totally strange happens, which doesn’t.

Now I wonder if there’s a better, more structured approach, to assess the AI MiG-21MF capabilities?

A tester reported that in his 1:1 dogfights in F-4E vs MiG-21MF the results look ok.


Well he’s a better man than me, certainly. The performance I observe from my soon-to-die F-4 (or soon-to-die MiG-21 when I reverse roles with AI) is a farce of performance that I cannot begin to match, in ANY machine. To test my own assumptions and to further destroy any remaining ego, I begged a friend who has enough of a public following in this hobby that most of his gaming/HOTAS/VR equipment is paid for. So I knew that I would once again be outmatched in either machine. And I was! But the difference was that there was hope. I could see that an advantage might be gained if only my friend would make a mistake with which I might capitalize. As I struggled to keep E I could see that he was doing the same, but was marginally better at keeping his cool. So, even though I am still A loser, I KNOW what it looks like when a dominate pilot is not flying a dominate machine. This is not what DCS AI looks like.


When the AI fly a plane they get a whole different set of physics to utilize.

I’ve watched a MiG-21 do a sustained 8g turn at 450 kts in full burner that never slowed or lost any energy. Then when a missile came in it spiked to 12g’s for a second.

The individual FCS Aircraft are often on sale for less than $10.

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And I see Enigma has just posted a video saying he’s leaving the management role of ECW and having another swing (SoW style) at ED on the way out … I guess that’s kinda what I asked for? :joy:

Maybe 4YA will take over that mission set as well?

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I suspect we are talking different currency here, but yes - you’re right!

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I think he mentioned harbour was taking over the server

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Either a case of autocorrect or me not being awake :joy:


:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: That prize got to your head and partied all night…