DCS 2.X Screenshots (2023)

They are all very good but that first one is like a painting, epic view of the Harrier in the clouds.


Did that get released already? I thought it was still in the pipeline.

A few from the ‘Ramrod to blockhaus eperlecques’ instant action mission on the channel map. It’s true, the clouds and the rain really are something.


My mistake. I meant the first module of the F1 released.


Aww yiss!!! Fell off the basket only once, and that was while the tanker was settling into a new course.


Ho hum. I’ve never fell off the basket when Air-2-Air refueling my Mig-19P.


So trying to keep to my new year’s resolution of sticking to (mostly) one plane, the f-18 won out.

The training missions are alright, little weirdness here and there but for the most part seem to play along okay.

Doing my best to stick to the syllabus, as it were, but there’s only so many times you can repeat the tacan training before accidentally clicking on a target range mission - take that trucks!

Feeling confident after besting those dangerous foes, felt like it was time for a 1 v1 dogfight!

Sadly pulling back on the image a bit reveals some misplaced confidence.

All that’s left is the walk of shame…


BFM in the hornet is, like the eagle, an exercise in restraint. Just because you can pull 30 units of AoA doesn’t mean you should. You wait, you wait, you wait, and then you pull all of that AoA, rear up and schwack that bandit like a boss.


ha how did you know?

There was maybe a good 5 seconds after he flew on by that I was repeating “don’t just yank back on the stick, don’t just yank bank on the stick” before I pulled back on that thing as hard as could. I knew I was in trouble when the gear light started flashing cause I was so slow I guess the plane figured I must be trying to land.

Think tonight I’ll do a few more trainings then try once again, see if I can not be as crazy on the controls.


It takes a lot of practice. What you are looking for is to out-rate your bandit, ie go faster 'round the circle than he does. The jet does not display a metric of how fast you’re turning, you can only get a feel for it. Suffice to say, at about 350 to 400 knots, your hornet does best. A viper likes to go a little faster.

Of course there are times when you do well to cash it all in, pull it to the stop and drag that bandit right into your gun pipper. When that time has come is something only experience (and tacview analysis) will teach you. Join a fight club night sometimes and we can give you some coaching mayhaps.


F-16C training with the Squadron:
First: Aerial refueling:

This was an SA-15, now have a guess which weapon was used to kill it :smiley:


19 shot rocket launchers. Accurate as heck with the CCIP pipper and no way the tor is going to swat those!


No but something equally ridiculous, delivered with absurd parameters :smiley:

When someone guesses correctly I’ll post Tacview screens :smiley:


Hey thanks! Might have to take you up on that once I get a little more (non-misplaced) confidence.

That 29 turns fast! At least it seems like it to me; trying to not panic and pull too much is tough when I look behind and see him already coming around. I’m sure there’s a ton of stuff to read up on/watch, I’m sure something will click eventually.


Reading and watching are one thing. Just doing is another. Set yourself a 1v1 with something inferior, like a flogger or something to get a feel for it. Once murdering the flogger gets boring, start grappling the fulcrum.

BFM (imo) is like jiu jitsu, a martial art that’s all about timing, balance and the exactly right application of force.

Some are clinical about it, technical. They fly better than me. I fly by feel, like playing music, except you don’t strive for sweet harmony but for a flaming wreck on the ground :wink:


hmmm… The gun or maybe some BDU-33’s?


Nope :slight_smile:

Sidewinder? Drop tank/travel pod?


I’ll give a hint. The weapon delivery was from 26,000ft


Mk-84 retard!