Some online play this evening.
Welcome, gorgeous pix mate!
Wow right out of the gate with some amazing screen shots!
Sweet Set of Shots…Welcome and Please post more
Sierra Hotel. That thing looks like it’s going mach 2 even when cruising along at 300kts
Tanunki has been working on a MH-60R mod for the UH-60L mod (it needs to be dropped inside the UH-60 mod folder)
It even has a working hoist! Somewhat limited but that’s a great start.
Nice shots! @RedBravo65 is that Enigma’s Cold War server?
I had a lot of fun doing manual bombing practice with the Mirage F1 last Summer but have been absorbed lately by all the various Harrier landing training missions: CL, FNSL, VNSL, precision RVL, VL, FOB, carrier. It’s just a very nice stick and rudder experience, and exactly the kind of challenge that I always want to do, no matter how full my head is or if I only have less than an hour. The instructions are just that good.
I will definitely dive back into the Mirage F1 when the EE drops. AAR, INS and a proper RWR will make a whole new array of strike missions available. Long distance, bad weather, higher threat environment…
EDIT: sorry for the lack of screenshots, VR so even when I screenshot it’s just half of one eye’s vision
Thank you for your enthusiasm, I am not an English -speaking user, so please forgive my machine translation English.
There are many excellent screenshot works here. I come here to enjoy other people’s works and enlightenment.
There are some of my old works here, I hope you can like it, and I hope you can like my future pictures
No, just a private server with some friends. The Harrier is so, so much fun. I’m still flying it myself, learning or trying to learn the bombing techniques now. Still practicing vertical landings on a moving boat. Got vertical landings on dry land down good but boat still somewhat difficult.
Just started flying the Mirage F1EE this week and really enjoying improvements. But, I will admit that RWR is just less than desirable. LOL, I mean it does not really help you except scream at you that something is coming your way. That new RWR in the latest module coming will be a very welcome addition. Plus, as you say, the Air-2-Air refueling capability will be appreciated. I really have come to enjoy the Mirage-F1 and have started making some missions in order to practice stuff in it this week. If you are around same time, perhaps we can meet online and do some flying like we used to. Cheers.
Some screenshots of my updated Viper textures. I reworked most rivets, added many missing ones and added sealant all over the aircraft, like around the canopy and a lot of other things. All that so it looks a lot sharper, a lot more detailed and a lot more like a Block 50 Viper.
And a Raptor heading out of Las Vegas.