DCS 2.X Screenshots (2023)

Working on a Humvee pack


Is that Mk.19 going to be functional? Beautiful work as always!

Of course :slight_smile:


Outstanding EightBall! Glad that you are on our side :smile:


I do not know.

Man that looks as good as Arma 3! (In a good way!)

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Needed a little break from the F-18, started up “The Big Show” (Channel map style)

I came this close to keeping up with the flight all the way to France, think I actually would have if I didn’t get freaked out in the overcast. This is about as near as I got before the bandits showed.

Not many shots of that but it was a fun mix up.

This map is so great, just kept hitting F2 on the way home checking everything out. Wish there was a ‘level autopilot’ key sometimes so I could hop around views and not worry about crashing.


Took a breather from hardcore Tomcat stuff to mess with the F1EE (dressed as a CT).



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Incredible shots as always from you. A sneak peek of what is to come in 1:72? :wink:

Could you share the mission? I also love roleplaying the F1 as a French attack version (CT and CR) and I forget how to set up JTAC/ buddy lasing every time.


If I ever finish the 104 on my bench :crazy_face:

Here’s the mission. It’s very bare-bones though. I only have the one EE parked on Akrotiri, JTAC stuff at waypoint 2. I’ve been meaning to make more sandboxes for Cold War/Modern like I have WW2 stuff, but I also like to fly instead of staring at the ME with my eyes glazed over.

ColdWar-Sandbox-Default.miz (24.0 KB)


Had to keep going with the Big Show, these are from mission 2 (on the Normandy map)

Managed to almost keep up with the squadron this time (no scary clouds). Still finding it difficult, everyone appears to be climbing on a non-changing heading but for some reason it seems like I have to keep turning to be going in the same direction as them? Can’t quite explain it, noticed my side slip indicator was visiting the corner so I’m for sure doing something wrong.

Here we’re climbing out, crossing paths with a returning flight.

Flak greeting us on the way in.

Got a lucky shot in, really like the flame effects


You’ll need a considerable amount of right rudder in a climb but of course it varies from aircraft to aircraft. The Bf 109 for examble requires a metric shitton of right rudder during the climb, in both the 190ies it’s pretty pronounced as well (only elevator trim on German fighters) but in allied aircraft you can of course trim it out during a prolonged climb.


Getting some Phantom time


Ah ha! Thanks!

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Formation flying a little different:



we like formations

post-takeoff damage check :slight_smile:

challenging skynet AI on PvE server

must resist!

didnt fly Su25 for some time now but the cockpit now looks definitely much better than before, or is it just the new lighting ? had blast

and high-five ED for implementing mouse as a ‘full fidelity’ controller. I always missed the possibility to map various actions to mouse buttons. now its possible.


Messing around with the VSN F-4B mod. Against my better judgement I took her around the boat. Launch physics need a lot of work. Trapping isn’t so bad, but fast with lower AoA than I’m used to.


Mission # 3 of The Big Show, back on the Channel Map.

I’m getting a nice EAW feeling playing these missions. So many planes in the air, skipping around in external views to check things out, giant furball that ends with columns of smoke all around from burning wreckage, limping back home hoping to make it over the water.

Still missing the ol’ skip to the next waypoint button, but ctrl shift z and no sudden movements helps a bit.

Heading out with the squadron

Checking out the views


Flew straight and oblivious over some flak

but managed to make it home

doubt I would have landed successfully (even without any damage it’s a crapshoot) so ended the mission early as I couldn’t bear to crash on the runway.


That looks awesome!

Oh, how I miss EAW.